If you had to go jail for a year, how much are you willing to accept?

Personally? I’ll be happy with £2million. Max at 3 years.

  1. Easy to say but you’d probably get beaten up every day. I’d do it for £200k if it was on a similar level of danger to school… Not much but a few roughians who might get you sometimes.

  2. What category of prison are we saying? I’d do a Cat D for £75k, C for £130k, B for £150k, A for £170k, or a year in solitary for £250k.

  3. Depends. What category of jail and what is the crime?

    If it’s a year of Cat A for Gary Glitter-esque stuff, no chance.

  4. If it was an open prison I’d do it for £5 million. If it was a rapey gang run prison I’d do it for £10 million

  5. Trouble is, if you ended up in prison, I assume they’d take your money too.

  6. £50k, 10+ of my family members have been to prison, its almost like university in my family.

  7. I would do it for £100,000 np. So you want me to admit to your crime I take it. It can’t be much of a crime if it’s only a year. Have you already been caught? Have you already been to trial? Or are you awaiting sentancing?

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