I read a comment that said “Women chose men and the most you can do is let them be aware that you are an option.”

So how did you get the woman you are currently with choose you?

  1. She chose me because I am a grass type and she was in a battle against an electricity type.

  2. Any person who tells you that selection is a one-way street is trying to sell you misogyny or misandry.

  3. This is bad way to think relationships. Guy and girl choose each other. If girl only doing the choosing then that sounds like she might not value who she chose so why choose him

  4. I can’t help. I pursued my 1st wife and it was a disaster.

    2nd wife became interested in me before I knew she was interested. She made the first move.

  5. “Women fuck who they want and marry who they can, while men fuck who they can and marry who they want” is another.

  6. When I stopped caring about attracting women and focused on bettering myself I found a partner who loved the qualities in me that I loved.

  7. I don’t have one right now but it seems like i would have to use gun

  8. It kind of sounds like youre coming at this from a manipulative angle

    Your goal shouldn’t be to “get” them to choose you but to open your self up in such a way that they’ll feel welcome to explore things if they like what they see and feel safe with you.

    There’s 4 questions that need to be answered for this to happen:

    1. Do they like you?
    2. Do they like your touch?
    3. Do they want you to be a part of their life?
    4. Do they feel like you can satisfy their needs?

    In that order.

  9. I’ve often wondered why my woman chose me. She’s educated white collar with a fist full of degrees, while I was nearly homeless recovering from a tragic separation that cost me everything. I’m a recovering alcoholic with a very colorful past as well. It was our 3rd or 4rth date she said, “I don’t care where you’ve been, I’m only concerned with where you’re going.” Turns out she values honesty, commitment, accountability, work ethic, and a tight moral compass.

  10. I just made it clear that I was into her and was myself. That’s all you should have to do. You don’t want a woman who’s only into you because you do things for her or behave a certain way that’s not really you.

  11. I never dated a woman who saw me as an option. I live in a place where it is seen as extremely offending to date more than one person (I’m talking about the time period BEFORE you are together)

  12. I made it her choice , didn’t try and force it , didn’t act pushy and ultimately told her the ball was in her court.

  13. My wife and I communicated over messenger for a few weeks and then the night before Mother’s day she asked me to phone her the next day.

    We organised a date for the Thursday night and I turned up with 2 dozen red roses.

    A few dates later and a very enjoyable sex life she was mine.

  14. I’ve never had to work to get a woman to choose me. I’ve always had enough options that I’ve been the one choosing the women I allow into my life.

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