Hi there,

I’m (30f) venturing out into the dating scene again after a short hiatus – both online and via socializing at various events (bars, concerts, etc)/ after good conversations.

Something I’ve been encountering when successfully planning dates is that I keep coming across situations where I attract primarily older men (7+ years older than me – not an issue by any means) but when trying to date guys my age they only are interested in hooking up. When I asked one guy specifically since we had prior rapport to dating, I “just wasn’t his type” despite him agreeing to date me once. This leaves me a bit confused.

I’ve had experience hooking up and dabbling in FWBs but ultimately decided that what I want doesn’t really coincide with that lifestyle at this moment in time, hence why I’m pursuing dating. Am I missing something or approaching dating in a wrong way? What advice would be helpful here if I want to expand the age range of folks that I’m dating?

1 comment
  1. I’m a 31F and yes lots of guys our age are into hook ups. That’s why they are single and not married. You really have to weed them out to find ones that are looking for the real deal

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