This has been fucking me up for about 10 minutes lmao

  1. main are the proteins; eggs, sausage bacon and beans. the sides are carbs and veg , the toast and toms.

  2. Main: Sausage, Bacon

    Sides: Black Pud, Beans, Egg, Hash Brown, Fried Bread/Toast

    If I was granted authority over this I would elevate Egg and Black Pud to main status in recognition of its significant contribution over history.

  3. Everything is the main. Only possible side might be a extra slice of toast or bread and butter, if you’re that way inclined!

  4. A proper full English is served on one big plate. I can’t stand the sort of fancy-pants restaurant where they give you a small plate with sausage/bacon on, then the beans, tomato, mushrooms etc all in their own individual silly little finicking pots [just their way of giving you smaller portions I think.]

    Same as those sadists who put three chips on end in a tiny silver jug next to the fried sardine they laughingly call a fish, and three microscopic splots of pureed pea standing in for a big helping of mushy peas.

  5. Why is everyone saying sides, you weirdos? It’s called a full English breakfast!! 😆 if you want sides, toast or a big strong cup of tea.

  6. Beans belong on the side, and when I say on the side I mean all the way off the side of the table in the bin.

  7. The only things I’d consider sides are a cup of tea or extra slices of bread. Everything else is the main.

  8. Not all meals need to be defined thusly. In a full english, there are no sides except maybe toast, at a push.

  9. The mains ie “the staples” (non-negotiable items):

    – Bacon

    – Sausage

    – Egg (ideally fried but scrambled is ok)

    – Hash Brown

    – Bread (Toast or Fried Bread)

    The rest I consider the “sides” and are optional but at least two of them

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