How well do you get along with your neighbor?

  1. i know two things about this man:

    1. he smokes a ton of weed (not a problem, yay him)
    2. he has a lot of sex with his wife (not a problem, yay him)

  2. Not well. I was walking my dog (80 lb pitbull) on a leash and their little terrier ran out unleashed and tried to bully my dog. My dog pinned it and I couldn’t pull my dog off without their dumb ass little rat trying to come back for more, and she was holding her other dog and doing nothing.

    My roommate came out and yelled “Get your fucking dog!” Which scared their dog and it went running back. Now the neighbors are upset my roommate cussed at her, and they passive aggressively go back and forth with each other every time we see them.

    I’m thinking it’s on me to clear the air and apologize for cursing and explain the situation that her dog could have been seriously injured. It’s just annoying that nobody has the emotional intelligence to do this and they’re all just eager to yell at someone.

  3. She tends to walk around the house with little to no clothing… So that’s a thing…

    Barely know the woman tho

  4. I don’t. They smoke pot but try accusing me of doing so just because I vape nicotine on my patio.

  5. Pretty good friends with them, dude and I work together to split wood during winter for both our houses, he’s got a snow plow and does my driveway for free during winter. I babysit his kids occasionally, drink with him every month or two.

  6. I think we both avoid any interaction with the other. Like waiting in the car if one is outside and about to leave or go inside. Probably spoken to each other once for like one sentence.

  7. Right neighbor very friendly. I watched his plants when he went on a month vacation.

    Left one we nod a lot. Mutual respect and all.

  8. Ol’ Murray?? Man, Murray is a sitcom neighbor. Old man lives alone and when we moved in I met him while I was bringing in the trash. He had a double hip replacement and was hobbling pretty good. I ran over and brought his trash in/out every week for a couple months so we grew a little friendship. A lot of funny moments so far, but peak Murray was when I was cleaning my car out at like 8am on a Saturday morning and he comes walking over noticeably excited. Goes on to tell me he had sex with a “hottie man, she’s 67!” He’s in his late 70’s or early 80’s, only God knows.

    We have pretty consistent get-togethers at our house and he’ll wander over at 11pm and hangout for an hour. I don’t know that this man sleeps at all. If it’s during the day he’ll pop over the fence like Wilson from Home Improvement and tell us about random fish he’s caught recently then whisper to us how pretty the girls are (we’re in our 30’s and he never says anything more than “real pretty, gosh she’s pretty”, nothing creepy from him).

    Hope you all find yourself a Murray.

  9. Cordial.

    We wave at each other in our driveways. They don’t complain when my grass sometimes gets too long, I don’t complain when they’re setting off fireworks at 2 am.

  10. She insinuated that I stole her package despite never having seen it.

    My other neighbors all smoke. So fucking annoying having to deal with secondhand smoke.

  11. One of my neighbors I literally just dont know, they purchased the house but are mostly out of town, never see them except one time I helped shovel their car out of the snow.

    The other one is a very nice man, he has a family and the wife occasionally says Hi, while I dont see him often, occasionally we help each other out. For example recently he needed a jump for his battery so I gave him a hand. Another time our shared fence knocked down due to a windstorm and he helped dig out the old post.

  12. 1. 80 year old man. Introduced myself and he’s never spoken to me.
    2. Hot 30 year old single gal that my wife doesn’t want me hanging around 😂
    3. Residential contractor. I weld shit up for him and let him park his truck and camper on my property as needed. Truly a great dude. He’s really helped me in a pinch a few times.
    4. Odd rich fucks. The parents are racist, and the kiddo is autistic. I do odd mechanical jobs and welding for free for them. We have the kid over every couple of weekends for a nice dinner and some drinks.

  13. All three are retired widows who buy eggs from us. We cat-sit for one, the others we exchange eggs for garden plants and veggies. One has a boyfriend who helped us re-wire some lights.

  14. Great, we all keep to ourselves but “friendly” in passing. Helped break into one their houses because she locked her key’s inside, I wave to 2, And in an unspoken lawn upkeep/landscaping battle with the other.

  15. I greet them and wave to them whenever I see them and engage in small talk. But i never hang out with them.

  16. I’ve grown up in this house, know everybody on the street, am 23 so I don’t own the house.

    Across the street, 2 girls who have grown up to be whores, host vagrants who park on my side of the curb all the time, of course my whore sister is best friends with the one.

    Other than that, there are some people a few houses down who will sometimes have parties thinking they’re cool blasting the most generic music for the whole street to hear.

    I am personally a misanthrope and hate all humans regardless.

  17. Family on the left are good family friends. The ones on the right have been a slow work in progress. Never any animosity but we used to never talk or say hi in passing. Recently I’ve been speaking to the father about his gardening/projects and we’ve built some good rapport. Also learned that he works in the same company as one of my good friends so that was a surprise. Overall I’m glad I got good neighbours.

  18. I don’t know anything about any of my neighbors besides what they look like and that one has a beautiful bernese mountain dog

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