I recently reached my limit with a friend who’s opinions at this point have just become exhausting. No matter what current topic is trending, they always seem to have the negative minority opinion.

It started with them being anti vax but I ended up accepting their right to have an opinion and valued our friendship over this disagreement. Then I started to notice that no matter what topic we spoke about that was currently being spoken about, they always chose the opposite side to most people such as discrediting rape claims on Male Celebrities or being suspicious about the Russia/Ukraine war.

After a recent argument with them over one specific topic that is really sensitive to me I decided to not contact them anymore, but they text me a non apology and now keep trying to contact me as I assume they wish to still be friends with me. It probably isnt right that I have ghosted them but I really lack the patience to go through the drama that will ensue if I tell them I do not wish to speak to them anymore.

My problem now is there is realistically no way I can avoid them due to mutual friends. How do I deal with this situation? I find it very hard to imagine that I can just accept going forward that there will always be this one person who constantly has has the toxic devils advocate role as their personality.

1 comment
  1. Just ignore or distance away from the whole group. You can’t change someone’s mind who is hard wired to be a dick who has the need to share their opinion. Had a friend who would try tell me things I didn’t care about and I would just straight up ignore him and if he said anything about it, I would just tell him I’m not in the mood to care talk about whatever he wanted to talk about. There is no winning with them

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