If a guy gives his gf a hoodie, what does she give him? (Not nsfw)

  1. Bite marks on your arm and her hair deeply embedded in everything you own for years.

  2. Counter opinion that a lot of us don’t give our hoodies or shirts, the girl just kinda takes them and we don’t stop them. We understand it’s a sign of comfort.

    Rather than squirreling their personal items, I would say the male equivalent might be letting a woman alter your style. Like maybe you used to wear more red, but she said she thinks you look handsome in blue. All of a sudden you have 3 blue shirts and a pair of sneakers.

  3. Something comparable that marks him as yours as much as his hoodie marked you as his.

  4. Sex.

    At least that’s how the girls who take my hoodies think it should work.

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