title is self explanatory. i’ve been seeing this guy for about 2 months now and we haven’t had sex. it took sus a few weeks to hangout at first and he didn’t do anything weird or make a move which i liked. very respectful and he made me feel comfortable. he didn’t kiss me until the 3rd or 4th time hanging out. i like this guy enough so i’ve wanted to have sex with him for nearly the last 3 weeks now. i even decided to put myself out there and tell him i wanted to have sex with him which i never usually do. he told me he likes to take his time with girls he actually likes, and he is still very eager to hang out with me without doing anything sexual. we’ve hung out a few times since i told him this.

i’ve never had a guy wait this long before. i like the game, but i’m also a woman with needs. usually when i form an emotional connection with a guy ur makes me want to have sex with them. anyone have any idea WHY he might be waiting so long? i don’t wanna rush him but it’s also killing me. i want him so bad!

  1. He might or might have issues, who knows? One thing I find curious is that you went to the same school yet you refer to him as “this kid” Why? You also state that he’s slightly out of your league. Is he just wary of you?

  2. >anyone have any idea WHY he might be waiting so long?

    Cause he wants to take his time lol. He told you already. Maybe he wants to form a closer connection before adding sex into the mix?

    Who knows? Just ask him yourself.

  3. He’s said he likes to take his time with the girls he likes. He’s already told you why. If you want to find out more specifics talk to him, ask him. No stranger is going to know his exact reasoning

  4. Seeing as he took 4 dates before kissing (so presumably at least 2 weeks) I would say that he likely wants to be more emotionally connected before having sex.

  5. I’m a guy and would be stumped too on this OP, reason being is I’ve also waited at times (and not at all because I atempted to make a move and got told we should wait a little or x reason) but simply to let her know my honest intentions are not just to “fuck you”. Also never have and do not mind waiting at all when it comes down to actually liking the person/wanting a relationship with the person until she feels comfortable and is ready. Sorry to be of no help but I genuinely have no idea here because in this case you, the woman, is ready so idk… Only thing that honestly crossed my mind is something going on on his end? Self cousious about something? As much as this thought sucks maybe not over someone or something having to do with someone else? Idk random thoughts

  6. This is not a problem this is an absolute blessing if you want an actual relationship that’ll last tbh. If you don’t want a relationship and just want fwb or something I’d talk to him

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