I’m socially awkward and don’t talk to new people but I’m going to a new school and I would like to know how I can make conversation

  1. Try to get to know them. Don’t act cool or like someone else just to fit in certain group.
    Ask them the questions you would want to be asked to you.
    I mean the most bacis things like “what are you listening to”.

    Tell something about what they are wearing.

    Learn about active listening, people like that thing.

    Learning from my mistakes, don’t come up with expectations in mind about a person. Like: maybe they like this same thing, or maybe they are similar to me, or the worst: they look easy… It will be obvious and people don’t like to be idealised or vice versa, In my opinion.

    So learn them from zero. Just ask questions. If you notice they don’t ask anything back at you, don’t meddle too much or they will get annoyed. Say “okay, see you later” and move on to the next person.
    But don’t hop between a lot of person instantly or people will see you like a “try hard” to get friends. Just being social is enough, you don’t need to be social butterfly.

    Always talk positive. Don’t say “but”, even if you are going to say something negative after something positive, use “and”. So you will not break the mood.

    And don’t make them feel bad or hard about themselves. I just experienced this the hard way; after you already asked them what they like, don’t ever ask them “so what else do you do”. You need to bring positivity. If there is nothing left to ask, you can ask about a detail about their hobby they have already told you about. If nothing is left, you can talk about a current news, like a new movie.

    Meet even the people whose styles are different from you. What you consider less or more than yourselves. Because if you don’t meet them early, they will get to know you by observation later and it will be hard to form a friendship like that.

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