My suggestion would be trough urinals. I don’t see them a lot these days – not because they don’t exist, but because I no longer spend all my time in shitty pubs.

But I was pissing in one the other day and a guy arrived ‘upstream’. Down his river of discharge trickled and here I was weeing directly into his passing rapids of piss. I mean, what the fuck..? This has to be the stuff of “well, in my day if you needed to pee in pub you had to…” grandfatherly anecdotes.

Whilst we are in future public lavs – I can’t see any doors, handles or buttons. Washing your hands only to touch a cock bacteria-covered door handle to get the hell out of there is mental. Modern cities and airports tend to have this covered, but it’s pretty unusual to go into a toilet without putting your hands where you would rather not.

What other stuff has clearly had its day and will likely be phased out?

  1. I don’t mind them. It’s much harder for people to miss too, which means the surrounding area isn’t covered in piss.

  2. In large chain stores, being served by a person. I suspect in 30 years people working tills will have been completely phased out in favour of self check outs.

    Quite possibly by that long even self check outs may be being phased out in favour of even quicker ways to pay, scanning items with your phone to pay for them etc.

  3. Supermarket petrol stations, BBC 2, council tax bands, new mains gas cookers and XL Bully dogs.

  4. First line call centre agents being human. I think ten years from now being able to speak to a real human will be a sign that you have a really important issue or a massive fuck up.

  5. Charging your phone with cables. Wireless charging will be completely everywhere in the next ten years. Completely wireless charging just similar to wifi will be a thing, too.

  6. Homelessness.

    Oh no, sorry, my mistake, I meant concert tickets where the artist and promoter don’t get a cut if they’re resold.

  7. Being able to live without aircon.

    Fish in the sea

    Being able to buy whatever food you want in the supermarket

    Clean air

    Not being sterile from microplastics

  8. Carrying around Keys and credit/debit cards will be less commonplace

    Everything will be more biometric

  9. Mass use of cars.

    It might be wishful thinking, but I think this will happen for all the wrong reasons. Poorly planned infrastructure will mean that the grid just can’t cope with the demand for charging. The end of the manufacture of petrol and diesel cars will lead to unnecessarily early obsolescence as mechanics and garages charge ever more to support them. No planning for how electric cars can be owned by someone without a driveway, and so on.

    I can see a move away from cars not from some sort of positive move towards public transport and cycling, but from it just being a nightmare to actually own one of the damn things. Not to mention the cost.

  10. Fish as a regular food. It’ll become a “special occasions only” thing you have maybe a couple times a year for normal working people.

    This, in turn, will probably spell the end of the traditional British Fish&Chip shop unless they significantly evolve in some way.

  11. Electronic records since 2000. Electronic/digital media are quite perishable. Desktop-burned DVDs tarnish in strong light, media formats become obsolete (remember Flash?), files are deleted or abandoned on junked computers, electromagnetic pulses come from the sun, home appliances, etc. We’ve probably lost a significant about of information already. Imagine a tremendous advancement in science only being stored electronically and suddenly disappearing when an old vacuum cleaner gets pushed through a storage site.

  12. Cash. I can easily see us becoming a cashless society within 30 years heck we are almost there as it is and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s only old people who use cash now

    Banks for the reasons above we will no longer need banks on our streets heck my closest bank is 10+ miles away anyway

    FB/ twitter I can honestly see them disappearing as more people become more self conscious about their online data

  13. Completely agree with the piss troughs. Absolutely filthy things, it gets all over your shoes and trousers, and you have no shelter from the horse-pissing splashback of the man next to you. Vile.

  14. British people going on package holidays to Mediterranean countries like Spain. With Europe being the fastest warming continent, and with the increasing regularity of heatwaves and wildfires in southern Europe, I think they’ll become increasingly unfashionable, particularly if travel advisories from the FCDO become more of a thing in future due to heatwaves.

    By extension, northern Europe will get warmer, and more people in the UK will start holidaying either at UK destinations, or in destinations in northern and eastern Europe instead.

  15. My dad’s insufferably dull Whatsapp messages.

    Though obviously I’ll miss them once I don’t have them. 🤷‍♂️

  16. Eating meat on the regular.

    I honestly think it’ll phase out. It’s bad for the environment, and even worse for the animals.

    It’s getting more and more expensive, while alternatives are getting close to the real thing.

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