I always wash up when I know uhh this is about to happen. Do y’all prefer when we soap up, or just give it a quick rinse? Does soap affect the taste/experience at all? Just wondering if I’m making it unpleasant for partner by using fragrances soap. Are there folks out there that don’t care about washing up before?

  1. Every person will be different, but by and large, if we like giving oral, we expect it to smell and taste like vagina. Please do not use scented soaps – they taste NASTY, and some soap smells can be super strong and bothersome.

    If you clean up, just a damp washcloth on the outside. Don’t douche, rinse out the vagina, etc – that’s bad for you.

    And frankly, a LOT of people who enjoy going down on a woman won’t mind at all if it’s unwashed, may even prefer that (assuming you are hygienic overall, shower, etc).

  2. A quick cleaning for both partners is always a good thing for a bunch of reasons. There is some data to suggest that diet also effects taste/smell for both partners’ genitals and “juices”.

    But in the heat of the moment a partner smelling natural or having any other “imperfections” has never stopped me. I’m not perfect either and don’t hold any partner to a standard I can’t meet.

  3. Fragranced soap is not good to wash down there. It upsets the ph balance and can make it smell. You shouldn’t be using anything too strong down there. Water is fine and the soaps round the outside of it is ok. You can also get products that are specifically for down below.

  4. Please do whatever will make you most comfortable. I personally love the taste and everything else about giving a lady oral. So what is most important is that you feel comfortable.

  5. I’m there to munch on vulva, not jasmine or coconut! Just be clean and fragrance free.

  6. Just maintain proper hygene overall and enjoy spontanious uninterrupted activities. It’s his choice to go there if you’ve just finished running a marathon and he knows it.

  7. No fragranced soap. When I’m going down on my partner, I want to smell/taste *her*, not a bunch of sickly sweet chemicals.

  8. I prefer pussy to taste like pussy, not soap, and not just skin. Otherwise I might as well be licking your arm.

  9. I do not give a shit. As long as there’s been a shower in the last 24 hours or so, it’s fine.

  10. Thank you everyone for the feedback! I didn’t know but I saw a meme about it and thought I’d touch base with the community!

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