(M29)Just surprised my gf F(28) with flowers and sushi after picking her up from the airport (two of her favourite things). Love seeing her smile when I do a romantic gesture for her, got me thinking on what else I can do for her now and then, so people of Reddit, what are some of the romantic gestures who have done or received that you felt were appreciated or that you appreciated?

1 comment
  1. What my ex used to do which was super sweet:

    Cooked for us on days i worked late or just a random weekend
    Helped with laundry and other house work
    Cuddle me to sleep/stroke my hair when falling asleep
    Would massage my feet when were watching tv
    Whenever he went to the mall he would always get me something
    He left me cute voicenotes or funny ones
    On days he wasnt working, he came to my workplace with lunch for me
    Whenever we went to my parents house he would always get them a gift/food/
    He would randomly kiss my ear and forehead and call me ‘pet’ randomly
    One time we had a pretty serious arguement and being the stubborn person i am i wasn’t going to apologise any time soon. I ended up going to my friends house and when he found out (like old times when we first started talking and before he got his drivers licence, he used to ride his bike and come to my back yard and we would be on the phone till sunset) he literally ended up riding his bike to my friend house and did the same thing.
    He got me makeup once which i had to return because he got the wrong shade, haha aw.

    Yeah there’s more i can add to the list but you get my point. Just be attentive, that’s what its all about.

    Btw he cheated on me. So ya

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