
How can I be excused from doing jury service ?

I’ve asked for my dates to be changed in March due to having holiday booked to see family.

Reason I can’t do it, I can’t afford to be paid what they pay for it my mortage has gone from 500 to 1000 i struggle with good paying job.. .

  1. Talk to your employer, some will cover your wages while doing jury service, others won’t.

    If you can’t afford it just tell them you’ll end up in arrears if you do it.

  2. All you can do is write to them and tell them the exceptional circumstances why you should be excused with some proof and they’ll reply and tell you if you’ve been excused.

  3. Main things are:

    * Double check with your employer to see if they’ll keep paying you during jury service. (Some of them will ask you to go through the loss of earnings process as well, but top up the remainder so you’re not actually earning less as a result)
    * Otherwise, just let the court know as politely as possible and ask if you can be excused or have your jury service deferred. While they can’t guarantee this (since you need a certain number of people available for trials to go ahead), in general they are sympathetic and understand that jury service can be inconvenient for people.

  4. Tell them you can’t do it as you’re incredibly prejudiced or a lunatic who can’t be trusted to be a reasonable juror.

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