I caught my GF of 5 months in the act of cheating (her ex BF was in her bedroom) and immediately broke up with her. She was supposedly in love with me, we had tons of future plans, talked about marriage, it was one week of bad energy leading up to this. She’s apologized three times (text, phone then email) over the week since our break up and it’s always sorry for “breaking your trust” “hurting your feelings” “being immature” and never “cheating on you”. Is it worth telling her to own her actions? I can’t tell if she’s having a mental block, thinking that it’s implied or doesn’t care. Even the best apology isn’t going to fix everything.

  1. If it will make you feel better then tell her. But you don’t have to. You can always move on.

  2. >Is it worth telling her to own her actions?

    No. You’re also not in a relationship with her anymore.

  3. Sounds like she wants to pull you into a conversation to try and win you back. If you’re strong enough, ignore her.

  4. It’s up to you if you forgive her or not but I say move on. Don’t waste your time with cheaters

  5. It was a 5 month relationship and you were already talking about marriage? Stop entertaining her and move the fuck on.

  6. as someone who stuck it out with a cheater and learned the hard way ……. get out. just move on. she is not worth it.

  7. If telling her to own her actions feels right to you, do it. But if I were you, I would immediately block her on all social and contacts afterwards because she will try to continue the conversation and potentially want to try to fix things or will just respond with the same things, trying to make herself feel better about the situation.

  8. Nahhh I don’t think it’s worth it man. Something like that will always be in the back of your mind if you try working past it.

    Keep your head up king👑
    You deserve better anyways!

  9. Move on! She only apologized because she got caught. She’s doing this this during the honeymoon stage too? Just move on!

  10. Cheating takes planning and intent. It is not an acident or a mistake. So no apology will ever do. People do not apologize for something they intended to do.

    Sometimes the best thing you can do is just keep away from the cheater. Focuse on you, not her.

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