my best friend went from not realizing you had to rub your clit to having several orgasms every time she masturbates. i am genuinely just confused what this can even mean?? like please, if there’s something I’m not getting here, fill me in, but this seems impossible?

  1. Every body is different. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I’ve known girls where they can have like 10+ and then I’m about on the same boat as you. Not as many.

  2. This is absolutely normal. Biologically speaking, women are wired to have more than one orgasm easily as she doesn’t quite have the same exact refractory period as men do. Women have more than 10,000 nerve endings in their clitoris so that means more concentrated in a smaller area than a man’s penis so this allows for more intense sensations and consecutive orgasms. Women are wired to keep on going. Famous scientific sexologists studying the female orgasm and sexuality has confirmed that females are the actual sexual athletes of the both capable of having endless orgasms if stimulated right. I’m a woman and masturbate 4-5 hours and end up having about 5-12 orgasms. And what’s crazy? I can keep going lol, but I have things to do. So if you’re a woman, I’d suggest you push your threshold as you too will discover your feminine powers! 😉💞

  3. It could be that you are used to stopping after one, and some women do prefer to stop then and don’t feel especially like continuing. So your friend… feels especially like continuing… so she does!

  4. I’m multi orgasmic. I can have prob 10 orgasms in 10 minutes if I want.

    Everybody is different. My closest friend, she’s one and done.

  5. My wife has 2-6 from oral or clit vibrators before we even get to Piv. Then she has 3-4 more.

  6. Every woman is different. I’ve never had an orgasm, while other women can have multiple easily.

  7. My wife has 5 or 6 during sex, we include a toy and that makes my job a lot easier. Around 7 or 8 she’s done.

  8. Some people are just like that, able to have multiple orgasms with little in the way of a recovery period. That’s just how her body is and it’s perfectly normal.

  9. I can have 10 or more in solo play. The trick for me is to wait long enough to not be over-sensitive, but not so long that i lose the high. I usually need about a minute for a factory reset before touching myself again.

    I can usually have 2-4 with a partner because I’m lucky in that I have clit and vaginal orgasms. I have explosive, rolling, and wave orgasms. I consider myself extremely lucky in that regard but it took time and a lot of experimenting to get to this point. I once had a out of body orgasm. I’ve never been able to duplicate it, unfortunately, but I’m hopeful some day it will happen again

  10. I can make myself cum like 10 times in like 10 minutes lol it’s a superpower but not really every body is just different of course

  11. Jealous. I have one intense one that completely exhausts me and then I’m done 😂 multiple orgasms sounds like a ride I wouldn’t survive

  12. I can have as many orgasms as I want. I stop when I’m tired lol. The first three are the most intense so I always make sure to have the three. If I keep going (which I usually do) they continue to taper in intensity but still feel good.

  13. I can orgasm 5-7 times in a row sometimes, and could probably keep going if I had more energy. The clitoris is a magical organ.

  14. Girl when I first started masturbating I thought the only way you could would by fingering yourself… once I learned about rubbing my clit, I might as well have entered a different dimension that night.

  15. I stop myself at 4 when masturbating because I use a clitoral vibrator and I can bruise myself if I do more. I’ve had rolling hills orgasm and those are the damn BEST! When masturbating I am not a one and done kind of lady.

  16. Nope, it’s entirely possible. My wife is multi-orgasmic, and when she masturbates, she’ll give herself 2-goid ones before her hand gives out. Every woman is different with sexual response, some women orgasm from PIV, some don’t. Some require more clitoral stimulation, some, not so much.

    For me and the missus, close to 36 years of marriage this October, sure, we tend to do most of the same things with each other, but we absolutely enjoy each other’s sexuality and response. Just recently, I’ve discovered (plug? Why here comes one now!) Foria Awaken and Arouse oil with CBD. You apply it to and inside yourself. After a few minutes, you’ll feel a warming sensation and your response will increase significantly. Then do whatever it is that pleases you. The oil is organic and safe, smells very herbal and pleasant, actually doesn’t taste that bad ( ;😜 ) and leaves my wife in an exhausted, but sated heap. I can’t recommend it enough and I’ve even posted my review on their website under DougW.

    It’s not a competition to see who has how many orgasms, it’s how you enjoy YOUR sexuality that should be of paramount importance to you. Check that oil out, for real, and then don’t tell your girlfriend about it 😉

  17. If it’s solo play, I’m a one and done girl. Sex with my husband, it’s usually anywhere between 20-30 on average. I think my record was 47 in a session. That was a fun night. 😁

  18. I have levels of them. Some orgasms are a 5 out of 10 and others are a 10 out of 10 and I’m dizzy and confused afterwards. All of them amazing, to die for. Women are special.

  19. This reminds me of a joke….
    A guy goes on an aeroplane, and every time the woman next to him sneezes, she lets out a little moan. He asks her what’s going on.

    She says that she has a medical condition where every time she sneezes, she has an orgasm.

    He asks what she’s taking for the condition.

    She replies “Pepper.”

  20. I don’t feel satisfied unless I’ve had like 5+. One just really isn’t enough for me

  21. Sounds like she didn’t know how to masturbate and now she understands what works for herself really well. Cheers to her.

  22. Other comments here have explained it well, so I’ll just share a relevant fun fact:

    The world record for most orgasms in one hour for women is over 100. For men, the most orgasms in an hour is around 15. I forget the exact numbers, but damn that’s a lot for both groups.

  23. I’m multi orgasmic. I can come a quite a few times with my husband, even with PIV

  24. I feel like once you really understand and get to know your body you can master and orgasm as cheesy as that sounds. At this point in my life I can literally time my orgasms and based on how long I want them to last I can try to hold off as much as possible. You really just need to learn your sweet spots.

  25. Not impossible. Everybody’s different. Some women can’t orgasm at all. Some can only orgasm with one specific stimulus. Some are lucky enough to climax easily and once they get started, it’s like bouncing a ball. It keeps bouncing back up until it finally rolls to a stop. Or for an orgasm, as long as the stimulus continues, the tension will quickly build right back up to another orgasm, or multiples in one session. I’m lucky enough to be in the last category and can say it’s not impossible at all

  26. I’ve been trying to describe this to my bf recently.
    Clit wise (usually masterbating) I have a giant one and then usually fall alseep hahaah
    But then during sex (penetration) I can just have one after the other, we lost count after 15 during a sesh 😅
    Both kinds are incred but very different for me ❤️❤️❤️

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