How do you handle someone who secretly dislikes you?

  1. Just don’t alert an issue of it. Act however you normally would. Everyone you meet is not always going to like you, and what other people think of you is none of your business.

  2. If they’re not causing issues for me, I let it go. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.

  3. How do you know they secretly dislike you if it’s, you know….a secret?

  4. ehh I don’t really care, I mean there’s people that I dislike so I can’t expect everyone to like me. As long as they’re not rude to me then I’m just polite to them.

  5. I don’t let it affect me. I don’t give them any power and am happier and healthier because of it.

  6. – If the reason is because of something stupid, I would decide their opinion wouldn’t matter anyways. They don’t know better.

    – If it’s someone whoms opinion I do respect, I would question myself on the factors of this issue. (Why do I respect this persons opinion so much, would that make them right, is this opinion within the list of things I value, etc). It’s usually something within YOU that you can change.

    – The goal is to hear the opinion, consider it for the future, and easily move on

  7. I remind myself that I also have people I dislike… you can’t please everyone… As long as they’re not disrespectful towards me, I’m good!

  8. Act stupid and find out why they hate me. Rub salt into their wound just because.

    PS: Congratulations! You found a new toy to play with. Have fun!

  9. If it’s secret-how do you know?

    A lot of times our perception is wrong. If you go around assuming people secretly dislike you, there’s a greater chance it’s your own insecurities than it is someone actually disliking you.

    If they do in fact dislike you-who cares? You aren’t going to be liked by everyone, that’s just how life is. It doesn’t make you or the person who dislikes you a bad person.

  10. If they secretly dislike me I wouldn’t’ know how to handle them.

  11. I don’t care. You can be the sweetest, juiciest peach in the world and there will still be people who don’t like peaches.

  12. How would I know? Why would I care? We all learned, early in life, that not everyone will like us.

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