I tried the mini pill a while back and gave up on it due to bleeding, didn’t give it the three months they say. I was on the combined pill for about 5 years and now l’ve moved to the mini pill as I can’t be on the combined anymore. The combined gave me occasional brown bleeding / spotting but nothing major and it would only last a couple of days. Since starting the mini pill early this month (about to finish the first pack) i was fine for the first two weeks.
Then sex seemed to trigger a period (assuming it was waiting to start) bled for 3 days. Then reverted to mostly brown bleeding spotting for 7 days. Now the period has started again yesterday. Has anyone else experienced the same and it’s actually settled down or does this just not agree with me at all. It’s making me quite moody too but the doctor said to see if it settles but l’m not sure how long I can hack it, any similar situations?

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