What would you do if you found out your gf makes 12x your income?

  1. Shiiitttt bitch you need a foot massage? I can cook you something? I did your laundry. Here’s a glass of wine baby did you have a rough day? Can I have a new Porsche?

  2. Probably quit my job and start grilling up dinner 💯

    I know some guys feel weird about dating a girl who makes more money than them. I have no qualms about it personally

  3. Twelve times my income would make us millionaires. I wouldn’t quit my job, but we could both retire in six years. Move to a cabin by a lake.

  4. Stay at home dad and my wife has a well paying job. It’s wonderful. I get to be with the kids a lot, see my wife on her off days and be proud of my her for having a job that supports our entire family.

  5. If she’s making millions then she literally just needs to work for like 5 years and we’re set for life. I’ll help take care of most of the house and help her invest the money so we can live off the investment income

  6. If she made 12x my income then I’m on my way to that house husband life, and I’m all for it.

  7. I’d go to the emergency room for an erection lasting longer than four hours.

  8. Wife makes about double. We live a pretty vanilla lifestyle, so I still pay half the bills. She’ll just retire with a shitload of money more than me.

  9. Woohoo! I’ll always completely fail to understand men who get intimidated by women who make more. I’m a teacher. I do well. I’ll hit 6 figures in a year. Wife makes about 33% more. But I save us a shit ton on summer child care and camps and stuff like that.

  10. I guess it depends how you found out.

    Did she tell you or did you uncover it? Is she open to changing the spending dynamic or are you still going to be the one always buying dinner/ paying the lion’s share of rent?

    I guess just because she has the income doesn’t mean she’s necessarily willing to spend it on you.

  11. Go shopping with her money, clean the house, do laundry, make lunch/dinner and wear lingerie when she gets home.

    No double standard intended

  12. I would worry that she might be a crime kingpin because that would be quite a lot

  13. Apply to work where she does, work there making 24x times the minimum wage together and then retire early.

  14. Jump up down and do a jig.Bout time I deserve this😆
    Since it probably never will happen do to society dynamics.

  15. I’d apply for a dual citizenship to the EU (the Mrs is from Germany) while shopping for summer homes in the Mediterranean.

  16. We’d both be pretty happy. There is a meme in parts of the legal community about broke public interest guys and their rich big law girlfriends support them. While my fiancée is not a lawyer, she has mentioned not being able to wait until her business makes enough money to support us while I pursue my dream of being a public defender and activist.

  17. I would worry some that we would just live in two different worlds. But if she’s okay with me being a poor boi, then I would make it work somehow

  18. When I was 19, I was dating this 23 year old. She worked at a museum, I worked in fast food. I didn’t think much of it, thought she was cool, flirted and eventually moved in. I knew she had graduated from a nice college recently (so Cal), but the disparity in our economic situation didn’t come to fruition until one day I found her grandmothers graduation gift. It was a check written out for 20k$. And it had just been sitting on her desk for like a year and a half. She said she would get around to depositing it eventually (this was back in the 90s where you actually had to go to the bank to deposit checks). I really liked her, I would have been happy to continue a future with her, but at some point it seemed like I was just the fun boy she was dating, nothing that would pan out.

  19. Be happy for her and then go about business as usual? I would still want to work and would never expect her to foot the bill for my lifestyle

  20. Ask her what she wants me to cook for dinner after I’m done doing the laundry and deep cleaning the house.

  21. Considering I’m a stay at home dad, 12 times 0 is still 0, so I’d be really worried

  22. Expect her to buy 12x as many snacks as I do for road trips and movie nights and stuff

    But other than that, not much

  23. As a woman if my partner found out I made significantly more than him I’d hope he would keep being a hard worker and building a life together and not get weird and begin relying on me solely or using me. It’s unattractive when anyone does that.

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