Sup y’all, I was on a date with a girl I’m starting to like and we were doing karaoke, while I wasn’t looking she selected Spice Girls’ Wannabe. This was my late uncles song with my sisters and I growing up and we always did karaoke to it as children, teenagers and even his and my sisters weddings.

When it started playing it I stepped away from the room and started balling out and she saw me crying but she went back into the room and acted like nothing happened.

We didn’t speak about it but do you think I should tell her why? It’s def a soft spot for me considering my uncle just passed away about 4 months ago and it’s my first time hearing that song since he’s passed.

  1. I’m sorry for what happened to you but I’d definitely ghost a guy if he cried on third date. Too much drama too early on.

  2. If you want to talk about it, you should. Don’t make her feel as if it were her fault for your emotional response and if appropriate, tell her you enjoyed the experience of someone else enjoying a song that you feel so connected to. If you’re not comfortable, don’t talk about and if she asks just tell her that something in your personal life was bothering you and you needed to step away for a moment to ground yourself.

    I don’t speak for all women but I like when men can express and talk about their emotions in a healthy way.

  3. You definitely should tell her. Otherwise, she will probably think you’ve got some issues seeing as that is not a sad song without context.

  4. If you weren’t sure if reddit was the worst, these comments surely confirm it.

    I’d tell her what happened, but don’t have any expectations on how she’ll respond. At this point, it’s more for you than for her because as these comments have shown, if she’s gonna judge you for it, nothing you say will change it.

  5. Seeing how she didn’t even have the decency to see what was wrong I’m not sure why you would

  6. You should explain. It’s not attractive for a guy to cry to the lyrics of “Spice Girls”. It is attractive for you to love your late uncle.

  7. I would just tell her what happened, that your uncle just passed and as goofy as the song is…it sent a bunch of memories flooding into your brain and you couldn’t help yourself

    if she isn’t understanding or is one of those people who think men shouldn’t show emotion…then you dodged a bullet

  8. I think you’ve been presented with a great opportunity to put test her out as a potential long-term partner, if that is what you’re looking for. Despite the online narrative, there still exist tons of terrible women out there who think that it isn’t acceptable for a man to cry (see other comments on this thread). You should explain to her what happened and be honest with her without trauma dumping, firstly because she needs clarification that it wasn’t her fault and that you don’t have any severe underlying mental issues, and secondly because her reaction will help you gauge how much sympathy she has as a person. If she is understanding and doesn’t make a bug deal out of it regarding her perception of you as a potential partner, then you found yourself a good person. If she ghosts you or dumps you because of this, then good riddance. People like her belong in the trash. From my perspective, its a win-win situation.

  9. Bro, don’t bring it up unless she asks about it. She’s gonna think you’re insane.

    Also I feel like this story isn’t real.

  10. Your actions weren’t “wrong” (and I’m truly sorry for your loss) but you looked like a weak ass mentally unstable man by doing it.

  11. Only tell her if she asks. If she doesn’t ask you what made you so emotional, or still acts as if nothing happened, I’d see this as a huge red flag cuz she doesn’t care about your pain.

  12. It’s healthy to cry, don’t feel you owe an explanation. She most likely doesn’t want to pry, but since you are starting to like her then you could talk about it when the time is right.

  13. Of course, tell her. Communication and openness are impt for any successful relationship. Plus, it shows your vulnerable side.

  14. Lol would you rather her think you’re some gigantic pussy even though there’s a perfectly valid reason for you reacting that way? Yes, tell her bro 😂

  15. Telling her is the best chance at progressing the relationship. Indecision is still a decision

  16. Hopefully this comment section is mostly teenagers, otherwise… Jesus.

    You might as well talk to her about it if you still wanna see her. If she’s got a problem with it after you explain things, she’s definitely not the girl for you.

  17. Tell her why. She’s trying not to pry. This can only bring y’all closer or she’s a bitch. It’s better to know now.

  18. If you like her and wanna keep her, tell her. Honestly, a good woman will just see that you’ve got a loving soul and won’t judge you. If she understands without judgment, it’s a good test to see if this could be long-term.

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