Literally keep seeing posts where couples fight and bicker like children and it’s so silly.

You are with a person that you love and who loves you just as much and you are fighting them and hurting them like what the hell…?

If I’m in a relationship it’s going to be pure cuddling and gentle kissing. No fights, no arguments and no jealousy.

If we disagree on something we will find something to lie down on together and have a serious conversation about it and once we agree on something to do about it we will cuddle in joy after having solved the matter.

  1. It is bizarre I agree, but I can also understand it. The longer you are together and the more often you are confronted with something, that bothers you about another person, the more it drives you crazy.

    Like that spot in your mouth, that you accidently bite the skin a little bit and is swollen a tiny little bit. It doesnt hurt nor does it bother you TOO much, but it is there constantly….. Always reminding you about it…. The constant little pain will drive you more crazy like a stinging pain, that goes away.

    Same goes for relationships. It is not that bad, if your partner leaves his cloth on the floor and it bothers you…. It is also not bad, if (s)he does it 10 times and you reminded him of it twice allready. It isnt that bad to live with that for a few weeks or even months, but it will drive you crazy over time. Why isnt he simply putting it in the bin or the washing machine? Why doesnt he listen to me? Why does he ignore my feelings/ needs so much?

    While he in reality is maybe even trying to fix that problem, but simply forgets about it since he is used to throw the cloths on the ground after work and tidy it up in the morning or whatever…

    She on the other hand will constantly place things on his chair, so he has to tidy that up all the time, will touch displays and leave finger prints everywhere, will not clean her god damn hairs that are EVERYWHERE. How can she still have hairs on her head?!

    Also a good fight, can be actually really stress reliefing and healthy…. Also it might lead to make-up adulttime, which is WAY better than refular ones xD

  2. The challenge with relationships is; personalities, ideals and individualities. You are often trying to mesh differing world views and experiences together, and clashes often occur when one is struggling to understand the other’s perspective or feelings.

    At times you can resolve conflicts with some open communication and an honest effort to adjust to the partner, but there are times when you feel like your own voice is being ignored, and vice versa. Which can lead to bickering and silliness from an outside perspective.

    When these situations arise, it’s important to remember that you and your partner are human beings with different perspectives and needs. It takes time to recognize that you may be right and wrong at the same time. Relationships are not as easy as they seem in movies and television

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