1 hour community (NYC based, so common commute time)

Arrive 15 minutes early

Left after 45 minutes of waiting

They messaged an hour later saying that they fell asleep with only a sorry.

I blocked him

  1. if this is gonna be the first date, then I would still give the date a chance. who knows where it goes, it could be something special.

    Edit: Also gauge how much more time and effort you want to invest on this man for you to reconsider/reschedule another date.

  2. I’ve been stood up for a first date. If you want to give person a second chance, then let him know. But if you sense unreliability, then tell him you’re not interested.

  3. They are most likely lying and I wouldn’t even respond to their half hearted “sorry”. Screw him.

  4. This is why I always text to confirm a date 1 hour before I’d have to leave my house. I’m also in NY, and if I don’t hear from a date by the time I’d have to head to the subway, I just stay home.

    If for some reason went to a date without confirming and didn’t hear anything or get any response to my texts, I’d wait 15-30 minutes, and then block them on the way home without waiting for that explanation.

    Edit: Also, a good tip that I learned is to try and plan dates at places/activities that you’d be happy to do alone. One of the few times I was outright stood up on a date like that, I had planned to take someone to my favorite sushi place that I’ve been going to since I was a kid. So I just sat down and ate my favorite meal, and it was fucking delicious. By the time I left, I was just swiping on bumble again and barely even gave a fuck about being stood up 🤣

  5. meh. Oversleeping happens. I would be a bit upset that my time was wasted, so I wouldn’t pursue a re-do. If there should be a re-do, they would be the ones who had to take initiative

  6. This all sounds fine on your part, you’re under no obligation to give this person any more of your time.

  7. It depends on a number of things, and I say this as a person that has accidentally napped and missed a date.

    Life happens. I *usually* try not to be too hard on people because shit happens. If they just overslept and take no initiative in rescheduling, it’s over. If they plan the entire next date I’m probably going. If they’ve been generally flaky, it’s over.

  8. Nope, nope, nope and no! No excuse for this! Obviously not excited to get ready for a new date! Not my type of man!

  9. If they reschedule and seem still excited then try again but if they just “sorry” then hell na

  10. Depends on whether the person is narcoleptic and how much I want to date them.

  11. I would have done that too. If he can’t figure out how to show up for a first date on time, imagine how much he will be leaving you hanging after one year together. You did the right thing.

  12. It depends. Was it a super early breakfast date at 10am? Is he an overnight worker that works til 4am? I would definitely be more forgiving, as I work nights also.

    Or is the person just irresponsible and stayed up late getting high and playing video games?

  13. This happened to me; was a long hard day at work and I dozed off waiting for my date to pick me up. When he arrived, I was sound asleep and missed his texts. Woke up at 1 am and saw his last text said to call him, so I did. Apologized profusely, he came back and picked me up…

  14. I live in Philly and I’ve dated people in NYC. Just don’t. Date people near you. It’s never worth it

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