And accidentally look at peoples chest?

It’s super embarrassing, and it’s only recently that I notice that I do this.

  1. Yes. When I’m feeling insecure emotionally, it’s really difficult to maintain eye contact. I usually at least look away, but I also zone out and am less cognizant about my gaze and where it lands when I’m super tired.

    Probably it would be easier to maintain eye contact if you had more confidence, but that’s definitely easier said than done.

  2. I did struggle with it, but then forced myself to look people in the eyes. In some cultures, it is disrespectful to maintain eye contact for too long. But in most, it’s a sign of respect and attentiveness.

    You probably get the feeling you’re being judged when you look at someone in the eyes for too long. Find it awkward, ect. This comes from a lack of confidence.

    Practice looking at either the centre of their eyes or at their mouth. (I promise they won’t be able to tell the difference.) Practice makes perfect and eventually you will feel comfortable looking people in the eyes.

  3. Yeah it’s either look into their eyes and completely zone out or look away 🤌🏻

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