So I’m pregnant an honestly I’m so exhausted an jus tired of everything. I’ll wash the clothes but I won’t fold them I jus kinda let them sit in the basket especially the socks cuz we have so many. He’s the only one working at the moment, I wanna work but long story, but this morning he’s like “you gonna actually do the laundry today?” I said idk depends if I’m not feeling like shit. Then he got mad. Apart from the laundry he always brings up he’s the only one working he shouldn’t have to do laundry dishes or anything at home, he says since he works an pays the bill he shouldn’t have to worry about house stuff, but like I had a job when we got together. It was a goodish paying job an it was my very first job. I didn’t have bills, except I helped with rent an food an I had a car so jus gas an little stuff but he asked me to quit the job cuz it wasn’t a good company but like I made money I was able to help out enough. But ever since I quit he gets mad if I don’t do the dishes or the laundry or clean the room. Which I would always clean everyday till I got pregnant, this is my first pregnancy and it’s like kicking my ass. I’ll do the dishes we have but sometimes I have to stop cuz I get very nauseous. I’ve told him an asked for help but he jus gets mad, an I understand he jus wants to relax after work, which I completely understand but like his job isn’t hard.. an so like idk im tired of him getting mad cuz of it. Like I hate seeing our clothes jus sit there but when I try to do anything I jus get sick. I’m starting to feel better an so when I dont feel so sick an tired I do try to do things around the room (we live with his dad) and then his dad wants us to do stuff around the house but I don’t even go any where but the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room and my room. I’ll pick up after myself an if I make a mess some where other then my room I’ll pick it up but I’m really not wanting to be the only person who’ll clean the house.. there’s other people here to an like idk it’s jus annoying. We’re moving soon so it’s gonna be pretty great cuz then I’ll be able to actually feel comfortable an stuff but I jus don’t here.. him an his sister don’t get along then one of his other sisters a while back got mad at him an brought in dirty dishes an put them on the bed while they were wet an gross.. only cuz he said he’ll do the dishes after he got off of work which I did them jus it was so disrespectful. Especially putting wet dirty dishes on a bed that people sleep on.. like grow up an she was like I think 20…

Idek if I need advice or I just wanted to rant.. jus I’m annoyed an kinda stressed out which it’s good for the baby..

  1. he sounds really toxic, especially when you’re pregnant. he could at least help out around the house and pick up your slack when you are unable to. just seems like a bad partner in general, i wish you all the best with your pregnancy

  2. There’s nothing much to do about this issue except talk to him about it or leave. If he can’t accept that he needs to help you then you have to leave or live miserably.

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