I like to lightly stroke my fingers/hands on a guys arm, back, abdomen, and maybe even the waistline of their pants it’s such a tease.

I like to play with their hair when laying down/talking.

  1. Stroking my hair. My mom used to do that. I would lay my head in her lap and she’d gently stroke her fingers through my hair. It just feels so nice and peaceful

  2. I misread the question at first.

    Any way, really. Light stroke on the arm or shoulder, hand in my hair, holding on, hugs, cuddles, it doesn’t really matter.

  3. Having her fingernails gently run across my back is about the most relaxing thing in the world

  4. As someone who lifts heavy things specifically to be objectified chest, arms, and back drive me crazy. Especially if it’s prolonged.

    Oh and butt slaps/squeezes. If I’m wearing 5in shorts I’m doing it for a reason.

  5. Running her fingers down my back, then down my Crack, then go in and check my oil. Heaven

  6. Assuming you mean sexual

    Fucking everywhere lol

    I prefer it when she touches me with her tongue however honestly. Light licks on my nipples, neck, ears

    Or when she’s sucking me scratches down my chest into inner thigh

    Or she’ll grab my balls and tug on them swinging my dick around when she does it

    Alright ima stop now lol

  7. Love a head scratch. Nails gently gliding along my scalp. Head and temple massage is awesome too

  8. That depends on the context.

    In the bed? That’s all very individual.

    In the routine life? I prefer a hug, any hug actually. Sometimes a kiss etc. No special requests

  9. I have long hair, and I love when a woman plays with or glide their hands through my hair.

    A hug is also welcomed. Rubbing my belly, arms or hands as well. Having my face caressed, my chin rubbed or my cheeks.

    I’m also touched starved.

  10. Everything you described is exactly what I like, and would relax me into sleep mode… and I would love you for the effort. I would even sometimes prefer this over sex honestly

  11. I don’t want to be touched by women.

    Now, a bro’s friendly hand on my nutsack while we watch Netflix, that’s cash money.

  12. Pretty much every where except the butthole and feet. I love scrotum strokes

  13. I don’t personally like being touched unless I know them. If I know them it depends what our relationship is. I like it when my wife touches my penis

  14. I like recieving massage therapy, and get 2 full body massages per month. Other then that I don’t really like to be touched.

    We’re talking legit massage, not sexual.

    With woman that I’m particularly attracted to I like to be spanked over the knee by them, but I mostly spank women.

    Otherwise I have a general aversion to touch and am nearly asexual.

  15. Stroking my face, hands while cuddling.

    I also rally enjoy cuddling with a women laying on top of me.

  16. Maybe it’s because I’m most probably on the spectrum,but i absolutely hate being touched unless it’s by someone I know very well and I’m comfortable with. If it’s a woman,I tend to try avoiding touching her (by fear of being interpreted as inappropriate and because I’m a big strong guy and I could easily hurt them without realizing),and being touched by one I don’t know well is very embarrassing for me.

  17. Depends on how close you are. There’s this cougar at my work that enjoys giving me high fives and then interwine her fingers with mine followed by a grin that I find creepy. If it’s someone I’m romantically involved in, I’m perfectly fine with being touched. A hug from a friend or a family member is ok. Anything else is awkward.

  18. Based on different partners from different cultures, I can’t give you a short answer that works for every guy, but here are some of my favourites:

    I like feeling her fingers through my hair, soft scratches as well. I like when she scratches my back softly and I like when she just holds my neck as a sort of warm scarf.

    It depends on our love language, for me that is physical touch, it also depends on culture, history and personal preferences.

    In the love language of physical touch, there are several types:
    -holding hands

    I love holding hands when outside, it’s comforting when I’m stressed, it’s cosy and I think it’s cute.
    Inside the house though, I might only hold hands a little bit during dinner or when I want her to get out of bed as well.

    Hugging is the mild variation of cuddling, a less intimate version. I hug everyone I meet, whenever I meet them. I prefer this over a handshake (which is formal) as well as the three kisses on the cheeks, which weirds some people out. Everyone appreciates a hug.
    When I hug my partner, I tend to like to be held at my back, just at my hips, preferably with her hands facing u, towards my shoulders.
    This is very comforting to me.

    I only kiss close friends on the cheeks, during special occasions and if I know they’re comfortable with it.
    Lip kisses are preserved to my partner.
    I prefer going slow when kissing her, not every kiss has to be full on till I can’t breathe, but generally speaking, I like a bit of tongue.

    We’ve discussed hugs, now there’s cuddles as well. The intimate version of hugging.
    When cuddling there are all sorts of positions, just like when having sex. (Except it’s SFW to search).

    I like to hold her like I would hold my teddy bear as a kid. I like to be held at my head, shoulders, neck and lowerback. Something I found to be extra comforting, is to kind of hook your legs (just like you see older people holding their partner’s arm when walking).

    In the love language of physical touch, there’s also skinship. I personally like that, when cuddling, atleast some of my skin touches her skin. Like our cheeks, or our legs, not a fan of touching feet, but she is, so we do that as well.
    If we take a position where I lay on top of her, I find it comforting to rest my head on her chest/boobs, though, this is not in a sexual sense. It’s just soft, and I like soft.

    Caressing is getting closer to the soft scratching I talked about. My partner loves when I caress her face, her arms and belly. I like caressing her legs as well.
    I like getting soft scratches, it’s the type you feel, but which doesn’t actually hurt or leave marks. Personally I like the feeling of getting a hickey, but in our current situation it is best not to see the marks in my neck, so we do that near my chest and only lightly.
    I have worked on my body a lot in the gym, even though I am far from being jacked or shredded; I have a dad bod currently, with above average shoulders and back muscles.
    I ABSOLUTELY love in when she gently squeezes my muscles,it’s a light massage, but mostly appreciation of my hard work in the gym.

    Massaging can be as intimate as you’d like it. Personally I have been practicing that since I was a little kid and I like massaging her, but also friends. When she tries to massage me, I think the key aspects are to never suddenly start going at it (just like how you build it up with sex) and to NEVER suddenly stop touching at all.
    A massage to me is intimate and warm, it relaxes my body and mind, so if it ends abruptly, this means I literally feel some sort of cold breeze on the relaxed muscle, which initiates physical stress and has the opposite effect of the massage.

    In general to upgrade your massage game, you slowly introduce your hands to their body, then add a little bit of oil (preferably with a nice scent like almond oil) and slowly increase the pressure and tempo. For me a tough massage feels best, but to her anything beyond kneading hurts her, so it’s best to openly communicate with your partner. When you feel tired, start with a switch to caressing the massaged muscles/skin and slowly decrease the intensity until you can start hugging them again. (Cherry on top for me is a kiss on the cheek at the end).

    Now for sex, it really is a personal preference, guys are just as different in what we like as girls are. Communication is key!
    If you don’t like something, you have to let your partner know.
    We talk.

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