I dislike having my picture taken because I’m picky about online privacy and simply don’t have a need/see a point in having my face plastered onto social media. I want as much control as possible over where my full/last name and/or face shows up online. I use social media sparingly, myself. It’s fine if others feel differently; that’s just my preference. But I’m not a literal boomer so people tend to act shocked, suspicious, confused, or dismissive when I express that preference.

So, what words should I use to tell co-workers I don’t want my photo taken, or at least shared beyond that specific social group, at work events? What about friends of friends at parties? These aren’t scenarios I can hide in without being called out. How do I intercept when someone already has a phone out and everyone else is coagulating into a posed group?

  1. No thank you, remain seated and whip phone out for important messaging you need to get done. They’ll get the hint eventually.

  2. You could make a joke out of it.

    “Don’t take pictures of me, my face has been known to break camera’s.”

    “I’m on the FBIs most wanted list, you take a snap I’ll have to snap your phone.”

    “I only get headshots taken in 4k, and that camera doesn’t look up to snuff for my level of beauty.”

    Stuff like that. If you’re in a positon where you have to politely decline, then it should be reciprocated if the setting is appropriate. I.e at work.

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