I figure I should add mine in so you don’t repeat what I’m already thinking.

1) If her dating profile only shows pictures of her face she’s either fat or very skinny. Normally you can tell from the face. Not saying either or is bad but if you’re like me you don’t like either of the two. I’m just saying.
2) Never give out your phone number right away. Add them on Snapchat first. Send a few selfies and a few videos of you talking / having a video conversation. Just so you know she’s real
3) wait a few hours before you message her first, I know bumble is different but on the other ones this rule is crucial. Don’t be tooooo available.
4) your pictures need to be of you doing something (working on a car, camping, w friends, etc..) & some need to be full body could be just you in shorts and a t shirt. Not shirtless if you don’t want. Just so she kinda knows what you look like, rule number 2 will help with this. And they need to be current photos. Not from high school.
5) never give out too many details about yourself when snapping/texting. You’ll have nothing to talk about when you actually hang out.

That’s my top 5. Care too add?

  1. Oh and also, before you hangout have a conversation with them on the phone.. or FaceTime. And never ever go to dinner or a movie for the first date. Go somewhere where you can talk. Maybe a drink or two, for a walk at the park, or to the beach (if you’re around one)

  2. When I was single;

    * 1: Needed to have a social linked (insta /fb) or at least be able to provide one
    * 2: If it was head and shoulders selfies only, hard pass
    * 3: If your bio gave off a shit vibe or you had no bio then, again. Pass
    * 4: If I matched with someone and I had to carry the convo for more than 3 days (because sometimes people take a while to respond), i’d just remove them (i.e 1 – 3 word answers)
    * 5: Golden Rule – Be a gentleman, be kind

    Bonus – Dont ever send dick pics even if they asked for ’em

  3. Definitely not Snapchat, it’s known to be the worst app ever, ppl usually go there for nudes and also most ppl find it weird to see 20+ ppl using that app

  4. 1. Start buying lottery tickets, scratchcards or try your luck on gambling machines as well since it’s the same thing or any gambling game

    Sure, there are big winners but most people (men and women) just come out of it frustrated and depressed and with no wins

    All whilst the business makes money out of people’s desperation and frustration and self image issues

    They are making money out of men’s desperation to find a woman who will even attempt to meet them and women’s frustration to find an actual man who wants more than just a hookup.

    If any of you actually believe the dating apps want all their users to find a relationship then you’re delusional. That isn’t profitable to the dating app

    I’d also argue dating apps make bots to give men false hope by messaging them only to ghost out of nowhere and actually create bots to cover womens inboxes with creepy messages. 🤷‍♂️ I have no evidence of this and could be wrong but I just think its a possibility to have the men keep trying because he is finally talking to a woman and the women to keep trying searching through all the shit. All in order to keep money flowing

  5. One of my key ones contrasts with some of yours. I try to get on a phone call as soon as possible after she matches back. In my experience if we’re not speaking by voice within an hour of her matching (and my still being on her mind) then it’s not going anywhere.

    Once a date/time is set then it’s fine to go quiet for a few days between the setup and the date.

    Also, key for making a profile appealing is to show rather than tell. Don’t say you like the outdoors or whatever, show photos of yourself involved in your interests.

  6. I’ve been out of this for several years (met my wife and had no further need), but here’s some lessons from my reasonabley successful experiences on Match and OKCupid. These websites are geared more towards relationships than hook-ups, so that’s what I’m focusing on.

    1) A shirtless picture may be OK if you’re in a situation where men typically go shirtless (pool, beach, boat), but avoid them when it looks like you’re showing off.

    2) Just like you’re not impressed by pictures of women with a group of friends, they’re not impressed by your car or truck.

    3) If you have a good professional work portrait, use it.

    4) Don’t post pictures where you look drunk, or generally like a tool.

    5) Your profile won’t get you anywhere if you haven’t done the necessary work on yourself in real life.

  7. My profile was written very tongue in cheek, by was all reasonably accurate, despite some hyperbole.

    Pics were easy for me- I was a professional photographer for awhile, and I have a pretty interesting lifestyle and some friends who are great photographers.

    Only message first if you have something to say that indicates you’ve actually read their profile.

    Suggest meeting in the first week , if you haven’t met in two weeks, drop it. Don’t stop replying, but let it taper off naturally.

    If you are talking with someone else, be upfront about it.

  8. Avoid writing your profile as a list of things you DON’T want.

    (kind of like I’m doing in this post)

  9. Stop the fucking non stop texting back and forth. That’s what the fucking DATE is for.

  10. 1. Don’t date online.

    2. Be attractive

    3. Don’t be unattractive.

    4. If there are multiple women in the picture, it’s always the fat one.

    5. Know that even if you match and are talking, you’re not the only one she’s talking to. Online dating is heavily skewed towards women, even more so than irl dating.

  11. If all of her pics are selfies from the neck up, beware. She’s probably a fatso and is trying to hide it.

    Ditto if she’s always standing next to something. Women have a billion ways of hiding that they’re fatsos in pictures.

    What you want is at least one recent head-to-toe pic of her. What she probably wants is to avoid posting at least one recent head-to-toe pic of herself.

  12. Establish a date within 1 week of connecting and if they bail or delay; move on to the next

  13. I’m curious, how do these sites work if you’re not vanilla? Is there a kink filter? I’ve only ever used BDSM dating apps and Fet…

  14. 1. Get the best damn pictures you can. If you don’t, your profile is trash and 99% of women won’t even look at you. No fish pics, blurry selfies, memes, mask photos, etc…

    2.Figure what the hell you actually want. Casting a wide net will just get you more garbage. Nail down what your ideal chick is like

    3. Message fast and try to move the convo to a date as soon as possible. Don’t waste hours or days texting back and forth. You’ll get nowhere.

    4. Plan definite dates at night with a specific time, and place.

    5. get off the damn phone. Get to know her in person.

  15. Don’t brag about your dick or sexual prowess. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver than risk disappointment.

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