I really need to be talked off the ledge here. I’m 29F and he’s 32M. We were planning on getting engaged in the fall, we’ve been living together for 7 months, and have been together for two years.
I already know what I did was wrong and untrustworthy so you can call me out on that if you want – I know his phone passcode and looked at his Instagram messages. There’s one girl that he met in his early 20s that he sends Instagram memes all the time, constantly. I looked at their messages, he had notifications turned off on her and I saw he was constantly messaging her memes, and honestly 90% of the time she was barely replying. One thing I saw (only looked at the messages for less than a minute) is he sent her a meme saying “When you purposely piss on a guy and tell him you squirted”.
He tried to initiate sex earlier and I was dry as a desert and rejected his advances. So he can definitely tell something is up. How should I go about talking to him about this? Should I even talk to him about it?

1 comment
  1. Hopefully you’re not still planning on getting married in the fall, since that would be a major mistake.

    Any evidence that he’s actually met her or plans to meet her?

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