hi, so my bf and i have been together for about a year and 3 months. best year of my life with very little bumps in the way. we both graduated together and we’re always with each other no matter what. now, i am moving across the country for college and i’m stuck on what to do. college in ca is way to hard to get into and i happen to have connections to a school in va for nursing (my dream career). i was accepted with a scholarship and loved the campus. the hard part is..having to leave. i move in about 3 weeks and i’m so stressed out over what to do. i have already talked to my mom and she suggests that i should put the relationship on a break. i do agree with her because it would be less pressure for the both of us (my bf and i). with a time difference, me being 3,000 miles away, and having to focus on my career (him as well), it just sounds like the best. long distance does not sound fun and seems very stressful. i don’t have him to think i’m leaving him bc i “wanna meet new people” bc that’s not true at all. i have a sh*t load that i have to do for this major (he has a lot to do for his as well). ALSO i have nothing else in ca (besides my bsf) to come back to. my whole family is moving back to the east coast. i think what i’m trying to ask for is, how do i approach him with this? i was hoping to do it during this coming week so we both have time to recover before we move into college. i have all the rational answers to this. i’m just stuck.

1 comment
  1. Long distance within a day’s drive is difficult, especially as a college student on limited funds. It’s worse when it’s coast to coast. Some people can handle it, but if you feel deep down that you just can’t do it without it being a huge distraction from school, or depressing, or what have you, don’t hesitate. You are so young, if you limit yourself because of the guy you’re dating out of high school you’re more likely to regret it later than not. My sister managed to do the distance thing with her high school boyfriend – through college, military training and deployment, and all sorts of wild shit. That’s NOT common at all, trust me, I have had little luck trying to hold down a distance relationship because it just feels lonely. Anyway, do what’s best for you, not what he tells you is best. And welcome to VA! I went to school here (the one with the decent football team). Don’t know where you’re headed, but there’s hiking and skiing/snowboarding in the west, beach in the east, big cities with all sorts of stuff to do anywhere but the west…but even there, a weekend trip away isn’t bad. Oh, and we have pawpaws (not papaya – it’s Asimina triloba)! Largest fruit native to the US. Most people will never get a chance to even try one, I recommend it!

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