Let’s say you’re in a bar and there’s a group of women (friends) there. The majority of them are buzzed and having a great time but there’s one (let’s call her the designated driver), who has her wits about her and is the “mom” of the group. Which one are you talking to and hitting on? (For argument’s sake let’s say they are all equally attractive.) Do you go for Buzzed Betty or Stone Sober Sally? šŸ™ƒ

  1. Yes. The only thing that matters is whether sheā€™s drunk or not. Glad you figured us men out.

  2. If I was single I wouldn’t approach. They’re in a group and no one’s given a sign.

  3. Not hitting on either of them because I likely wouldnā€™t be at the bar (unless friends would finally find a way to drag me there to be the parent myself..) and I do tend to have a preference for not being seen as a creepā€¦and if no indication of even some interest is given, Iā€™d rather not make a fool of myselfā€¦but anyway, based solely on that, Miss Sally over there would catch my eyes more. But yeah, it doesnā€™t boil down to ā€œdrunk kindā€ or ā€œsober kindā€.

  4. Why are my only options sober or drunk? I guess personality doesn’t count? Or common interests? Or sense of humor?

  5. 6 foot 4 Tomboys, with fat assess and are in shape.

    Likes to dress goth sometimes

  6. theyā€™re in a group Iā€™ll continue to watch pickle ball on the bar TV

  7. None of them, I donā€™t go to bars, also I donā€™t drink so thereā€™s not much in common.

  8. If I was single, Iā€™d go for whoever I felt like was the most muscle mommy-esque of the bunch.

  9. I don’t really drink much anymore so I’d hang out with the sober one.

  10. It’s almost always better to go for sober women. Drunk women are:

    a) a tease

    b)ultimately pulled away by their friends

    c) pass out before you can do anything

    d) promiscuous AF

    e) a sexual assault case waiting to happen.

    pick your poison.

  11. While not always true, sometimes a group of women will have a friend who’s heavier or less attractive. I tend to hit on her, because it makes her feel good/apricated and if she responds well her other friends really react to it in an amusing way. But In general I tend to back off if I discover she’s too drunk or something like that.

  12. Iā€™d put it like thisā€¦ if thereā€™s a group of women having a loud animated possibly drunk laugh filled conversation, itā€™s unlikely Iā€™m going to insert myself into that conversation and start flirting with any of them. If thereā€™s an a woman off to the side observing the action, itā€™s possible I sidle over to her and make a hopefully amusing observation and then take things from there.

  13. LOL. Decades ago I was at a ski resort and it was New Years Eve. Me and my buddy found us some hot 60 something divorced babes that were ready to throw down. One of the ladies daughter was the DD. She was having none of her mother and her mother’s friends being bent over by a 21 and a 20 year old. So, we found a couple 20 years old girls. The answer to the question, at the time, was… whichever lets me put my pecker in her.

  14. For the most part. In a bar. The buzzies are going outnumber the sobers. For funā€™s sake Iā€™m going Betty but if we talking life choices. Sally gonna be your best bet. Alcohol can very subtly affect how you live life day to day. Itā€™s a very big wild card when it comes to sustainable relationships. Trust me I learned the hard way.

  15. Which ever one is discernable as the most intelligent. I’ve always been a sucker for smart girls. How do I know which one is the most intelligent of the group? Easy, she’s the one smart enough to want nothing to do with me. šŸ˜‰

  16. The mom of the group is almost always a joyless sad sack who not so secretly revels in her self appointed position of authority while actively cock blocking her friendsā€™ good times.

    So yeah, any of the others.

  17. I’m a partier so obviously I’m going to gravitate to the drunk ones but is the sober one down to fuck too? I wouldn’t mind being taken advantage of…

  18. None, since your description tells me being drunk or sober apparently is their entire personality

  19. Iā€™m attracted to a certain kind of attention seeking, prettiness, and often the one who is most bubbly or the life of the party.

  20. I like girls who arenā€™t typically found at the bars.

    Iā€™d rather talk to the sober one cuz talking to a drunk while being sober is horrendous. And Iā€™d is talk to the sober one anyway cuz the drunk one isnā€™t even gonna remember the convo or my name anyway so whatā€™s the point

  21. >Which one are you talking to and hitting on?

    Neither, I don’t hit on women. That’s creepy and inappropriate

  22. If Iā€™m at a bar I will usually go for the sober helper of the group who helps while the other ones are drunk. I have almost cut alcohol out of my life so Iā€™d rather have someone who is sober to be with. On the plus side usually at least in my experience they are the nicer and smartest ones out of the group until the drunk ā€œmomā€ of the group tries to cockblock. If Iā€™m drunk Iā€™m sensible enough to not hit on drunk girls unless they come up to me but just get their number because Iā€™m not one for a drunk hookup based on past experiences.

  23. I’m into lots of different kinds of women, not just one kind.

    That said, I’m not into sloppy drunks.

    >Do you go for Buzzed Betty or Stone Sober Sally?

    I’m pretty unlikely to try to tangle with an entire hen night regardless of whether one of them was exactly the flavor of the day.

  24. Always preferred the ones who are fit and active.

    Not really into skinny women. I frequently do stuff like hiking, running, cycling, weightlifting, and swimming. Would be great if I had a partner who could keep up.

  25. a woman who is blessed with great taste and cursed with my good looks sounds kinda nice, but I’d settle for one over the other. Fucking two of them at once would be monumental … huh šŸ˜†

  26. I try to rizz up stone sober sally cuz I love responsible chicks. Plus she could use a bit of a distraction from being a mom to everyone

  27. I like 40 yr old 5ā€™2ā€ brunets with hazel eyes who love to rollerskate & greet me every day with a big smile and a long kiss.

  28. You REALLY could have summed this up better, lol. You could just ask if we like a responsible/sober woman or a “fun” woman. Or something like that.

    I talk to the one I might have something to talk about with.

  29. This sounds like a trap set by some sick bastard who wants nothing more than to see the world burn to ashes. I would hit the road while Iā€™m still sober and stay out of trouble.

  30. Seems oddly specificā€¦ā€¦but Iā€™d go for the one with the biggest tits, obvs. They canā€™t all have the same sized tits can they? Even though theyā€™re equally attractive (which seems unlikely, when ever was there a bunch of girls where one wasnā€™t a Munster?). Boy, hypothetical questions are hardā€¦.got any cheese?

  31. I’m into the type of woman who will be patient enough to let me get to know her before doing anything romantic/sexual.

  32. I donā€™t talk to people in groups without a very obvious in. It never goes well otherwise.

  33. Those crazy girls who want to chain you up in a basement and just shower you with affection.

    That or Asian girls. I generally like Asian features.

  34. Im into just about any girl type. Are there some that i like more then others, of course. But that doesnā€™t mean that i canā€™t be into a girl that isnā€™t ā€œperfectā€.

  35. I’ve been married to my amazingly beautiful, kind, and intelligent wife for the past 23 years, and I can say without a doubt that I’m missing my mother in law living with us and I’m perplexed. I suppose after splitting out time together by 1/2, Bathsheba started to give me an understanding that we love and laugh at our Jinny for the same thing. Even though we will always freely to love her differently.

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