How good have your partners(exes & current) been in supporting you when you needed them to?

  1. Current-Honestly it’s the worst I’ve ever experienced by anyone.

  2. Ex: horrible. Literally broke up w me once I got into my dream graduate school program
    Current partner: amazing. Moved across the country with me and even decided to pursue his own graduate degree alongside me

  3. my last ex tried his best. he was visiting me constantly when i was in a mental hospital for about two month after burnout due to work. he was there in my darkest times and i’ll never forget that. but in the end, we were pretty much just tearing esch other down.

    the ones before that… i’d rather not think about them.

    my current boyfriend has been with me through all the worst events of my life as a friend. he’s always been supportive and helpful. and honestly i think he’s the only person who consistently knew what was going on. i haven’t been in a crisis while dating him yet, but i’m sure he’ll be just as fantastic as ever.

  4. Exes extremely bad ; my husband does his best to, even in moments he can’t do anything about it (the problem itself).

  5. Not good – used to struggle a lot with mental illnesses and not getting adequate help via therapy. Most people don’t know how to help those who are suffering.

    Only 1 good ex – he used to be a therapist. He knew what I was experiencing without me saying a thing. Very much miss him. But he’s married with a kid now, so that’s a thing of the past

  6. My husband is my rock, my greatest supporter and cheerleader in every day life. The biggest support is our joint contributions to maintaining our lifestyle and the partnership we have.

    But I think the best thing is that he knows when he’s not the best person to support me through specific difficulties, and instead he’ll encourage me to seek other forms of support. Be that friends with similar experiences, colleagues who know my industry, medical practitioners or a professional therapist. My husband isn’t always the best person to talk to and he knows his limits.

  7. Exes? Really poorly. I can get really bad and really sudden sensory overload at which point I have to remove myself from a situation and put myself in a place that I can calm myself down. I had an ex that would get genuinely upset I would do this because I “didn’t tell them first”

    Current? Wonderfully. She’s the best.

  8. My ex boyfriend was so wonderful when it came to supporting me when I really needed him, till the end of our relationship, then he kind of didn’t give a fuck. The person I’m sleeping around with now isn’t very supportive in the normal way, he is Korean of a “let me do nice things for you, but not acknowledge the thing you need support with” he is very sweet, but is not very supportive

  9. Amazingly. My current boyfriend has:

    -sent me a long list of reasons he finds me amazing and beautiful when I was super depressed during my worst birthday ever (he was dealing with his mom’s death at the time)

    -helped me move out of a 3rd floor apartment when my own family didn’t even show on time

    -cleaned up behind himself, made my bed, and fed my animals when I’ve had to rush off to work, multiple times

    -hyped me up over literally everything

    -stayed with me and kept me grounded when I got WAY too high

    -held me while I cried after being betrayed at what I thought was my dream job and helped me do some chores I had been too overwhelmed to get to

    Among other things. Don’t settle. Seriously. If it wasn’t this, I’d have just stayed single.

  10. Exes, not so bad. My husband, horrible! We’ve been together 26 years and when I needed his support the most, he told me to “figure it out” myself. Now I know that he was actually in the midst of his fourth affair at the time, so not only was he not supportive, he was destroying our marriage behind my back.

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