How would you feel if someone read your journal?

  1. Someone did. Then she confiscated them and told me they werent “age appropriate reading level for me”. I went no contact with her in my adulthood.

  2. Violated. Its something extremely personal and if i wanted to share it, i would have shared it. Its not a choice for someone to go ahead and read like its theirs to know.
    Im sorry. This question really triggered me.

  3. That already happened. My mom read it in front of my dad. Humiliated me a lot, made fun of my spelling even though most of it was intentional. Then yelled at me for some personal stuff I wrote there. We Gucci, we gang.

  4. If someone read my journals from like high school at this point I wouldn’t care. I would care if my current one was read

  5. I haven’t written in it for several years, but I’d be pretty embarrassed. I wrote in my journal only when I was really, really down. I let myself freely write the most scathing thoughts about myself and I openly expressed all of my insecurities and worries. So someone reading my journal might think I am on the brink of something very bad. Or they might think poorly of my partner if they only see a highly dramatized, one-sided version of events.

  6. My ex husband did when we were in therapy, because it wasn’t what he wanted to hear he took pictures of it and threatened to send them to all our friends and his parents, never wrote any of my thoughts and feelings down again, now I just write poems lol

  7. It depends who read it. Most people, I would be horrified. There is 1 person who I would be okay with reading it and it is because I tell them the stuff so they already know. A lot of what I write is ‘bad headspace’ stuff but I can tell the person about it cuz they have the same kind of thought patterns and we understand each other.

  8. Betrayed by the person that read it. Better understood if that person was invited to read it.

  9. Violated.
    That’s why I don’t keep my journals. When I finish one then I destroy it before starting a new one. Because they will be read eventually. I worked part time at a second hand store and we got donated journals all the time. By accident and on purpose. New and old.

    And I’ve seen people buying journals and making youtube videos reading them, or using them for art pieces.
    And I don’t want my journals to end up in any of those situations.

  10. I felt heartbreak. Distrust. Panic and terror.

    I also felt a lot of guilt because I would write so much shit in there too, stuff that’s not really real.
    Like “I want to murder everyone” but that’s just the fleeting feeling. I won’t do that. Loose example but you get what I’m saying.

    Them reading my diary led to breakup. I didn’t even get a chance to explain.

  11. That’s betrayal if they invaded my privacy in such a way. And yeah it already happened, I have a vivid memory of my mother finding and reading mine when I was six and beating me after. Haven’t owned a journal/diary ever since. Maybe I’ll start again in the future, but that’s definitely a fear of mine.

  12. When I was 14 my mom went through my journals and found some pretty rough stuff, she wanted to talk about it and tried to take me to church over it. After this I carried my journals with me everywhere, the new and old ones. When I was 17, I hid the old journals inside my box spring (because I regularly walked 5 miles to/from school and worked so it was no longer feasible for me to carry an extra 30lbs of books lol) mom found them eventually and I was punished for hiding them.

    I’m 23 now and I haven’t written in a journal since. My husband wouldn’t read anything unless I asked him to but I am terrified of having my privacy violated and being punished for it again.

  13. If I’m dead? Fine. Wouldn’t want my lore to be forgotten. Give it to an archive.
    If I’m alive, you’re gonna become a piece of lore.

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