My girlfriend has been showing no effort lately, being disrespectful and careless.

My girlfriend has issues in her life however we were okay even with those issues, we got through a big fight and she forgave me even after I said the most horrible things. But a week late she left me on seen numerous times, today and yesterday.

She also went on accepting guys on Instagram when she isn’t the one to do this. I really got no idea why she’d leave me on seen, I need advice on what to do because despite her huge issues, she is doing things that hint she is just looking for someone new or creating problems so I’m gonna need reddits help here. What can I do? Because after she accepted those guys on Instagram she provoked me, I had a huge issues and she mocked me, afterwards she just left me on seen giving me the silent treatment which is going on for days. I can be a really bad person now but I do not want to be that guy, but the things she is doing are plain disrespectful and careless behavior and I don’t know why.

TL-DR: She forgave me for wrongfully accusing her of cheating and saying horrible things, then begins to distance herself and also accept guys on insta she never did such a thing.

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