I and my girlfriend went out together to chill and she went somewhere without her phone and I had it the entire time and and I was going through our pictures that we clicked from her phone and I was scrolling and found ss of text and pictures of a guy kissing her in her phone, she has told me about that guy that she had a thing with in the past but why she still has those flirty texts and photos of them, I was so disgusted by even looking at it. Now I don’t know what to do, should I confront her or should I let it be.

TL;DR : Found photos of another guy in my girlfriend’s phone

  1. If they are old ss or photos of them, from the past, I don’t understand what’s your problem? Most people keep old photos. What are you supposed to confront? That she has a past? Also, phones are private, looking in it is very invasive. She trusted you, leave her phone near you and you invaded her privacy. I think she should be the one confronting you.

  2. What? Just old photos.. stop being so insecure, everyone has those, don’t know anyone who deletes everything or anything from their phone. Which is why i have a million blurry pictures of my cats

  3. I mean you did go threw her phone though you erasing your pictures is what you did not her she may still have them because regardless they are memories for her, just ask her about it say it made you a bit uncomfortable and ask her why she has them, short and simple her answer will help you out a lot more then you over thinking about it when it could be just she wants to keep them

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