Context: 23, spent all of high school doing my own thing due to massive insecurity, horrible self esteem and social anxiety etc. Basically the works when it comes to this area. Left high school, spent 2 years doing my own thing (shit jobs and video games). Made exactly 0 friends in that time and more or less wasted away 2 years of my life. Turn 20 and things turn around for me. I’d started exercising, got a gf, better job. All of this was great but also allowed me to sit in a bubble of contentment for a couple years before breaking up with her. ~ a year after that relationship ended and here we are.

So the last year or so has been amazing for my own personal growth. Nothing like a horrible few months in lockdown post breakup to put things into perspective. Started throwing money at a therapist once a week which has helped immensely, but the real kicker was that I realised I genuinely needed to change, realised my shortcomings properly for the first time, and accepted that it would be hard and take a long time to get where I would like to be.

Now here we are: I still see the therapist and find myself in a position where I can quite easily be *sociable* with people. It’s really not hard at all anymore. Perhaps this is an age thing as well. Anyway, the point is I can meet people and chat with them and not spend the whole experience in my own head worrying about perceptions or what to say etc.

And yet I have no very deep connections and people don’t invite me out anywhere on the weekends. I don’t invite anyone anywhere either so it makes sense, but that’s because I don’t know anyone to invite.

I understand that the solution is to treat it like a numbers game and put myself out there as much as possible but I find that difficult to do for two reasons. One being that occasionally I will find myself regressing to old, socially anxious me for extended periods. This will come with other problems and I kind of exist in a funk for a while before I clear my mind and break out of it. But the main reason is that I’m so used to doing my own thing that unless I’m constantly on top of this shit – actively looking for classes, clubs, events to go to – I end up spending most of my nights reading, painting, gymming, watching shit on my laptop. All solo activities.

Anyone have advice for switching lifestyles around to be more socially accomodating?

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