I was using my husbands computer the other day to book some tickets and I found some porn he was looking at. I wasn’t snooping, it came up in his recent websites when I opened the browser. We are both really open about porn, we watch it individually and together. The fact that he was looking at porn is not the issue for me, I’m glad he was taking care of himself. I just don’t know how to feel about the type of porn. The porn he had been watching was pregnancy porn and it just got to me a little.

Pregnancy is a bit of a trigger for me. I can’t get pregnant because of some medical issues I had when I was younger. My husband was aware of it when we started dating and we have always communicated openly about it all.

I’m just not sure if I should talk to him about it. Not the fact that he is watching it, but in terms of its something he obviously enjoys and I want to make sure I am hitting those things for him. Do I ask him if he would want to roleplay or watch it together, though I am just not sure I can do that. Do I just pretend I never saw it? Maybe I’m over thinking it a bit but I just wanted some advice. If this isn’t the right subbreddit I will delete it and move to the correct one.

  1. That is tricky given the challenges you are facing with not being able to get pregnant.

    My opinion is that you should definitely talk to him about it. Let him know how it makes you feel. Ask him if the fact that you cannot get pregnant is something that he is still working through.

  2. It seems pretty logical that what a person gets off to in porn, and what that person wishes they had more of in their real life, would have a lot in common. But sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes it’s *because* I have no interest in something in real life that makes it work nicely as fantasy fodder.

    If you think you can manage to just forget you saw it that’s probably the way to go.

  3. I’m sure he watches movies where ppl can do stuff you can’t do too. It’s just entertainment.

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