How would you feel if a man randomly gave you flowers then left in public?

  1. Completely creeped out. At best that is someone who doesn’t understand normal social boundaries, at worst they are some kind of delusional stalker type.

  2. Annoyed.

    What am I supposed to do now? Of course I’d yell out a “thank you!” But then I’d be stuck with the practical matter of what to do with the flowers and how to explain it to my husband.

  3. I’d be confused, but still I’d be okay with it. I dig getting flowers. But that’s just me

  4. I’m a woman and I once randomly gave a guy an edible in public and it is now a cherished memory but I didn’t just go hand it to him, I introduced myself and we chatted for a second and then I offered him an edible and he accepted it and then I walked away. So I could definitely get behind giving a stranger flowers, it’s just got to be less hot potato and more of an interaction

  5. Bemused, then annoyed because wtf am I supposed to do with these flowers, carry them on my errands like an emotional support bouquet?

  6. I’d say thank you and go about my way. Maybe check that no one is following me which I do in general.

  7. Confused, thankful. I like flowers. It’s actually happened to me once before. I was at a park with my kids and this stranger gave me flowers and left. There was a tag on the stems of the bouquet explaining that it was part of a “pass it on” kinda of thing where you do something nice for a stranger for the sake of spreading kindness. That was years ago. I forgot about that until today. Thanks for asking.

  8. Weirded out. If that was the whole interaction with no conversation I’d assume it was some sort of TikTok hidden camera thing. And I don’t like being given flowers anyway.

  9. As long as he actually leaves, I’d be pleased I suddenly had flowers. I just saw a video about a florist who made a bouquet for his friend and made mini bundles out of the extra and just randomly handed them out. It was cute, but he was handing them to everyone, like couples on dates and kids, so it wasn’t just women. If a guy were walking around just leaving flowers with attractive women, I’d be creeped out.

  10. Depends, I work in a place where strange people congregate, I had a random old man give me a pour painted terracotta saucer once and I still keep my keys in it. If they ran up, gave me flowers and left with no explanation like a random act of kindness it would probably make my day. I like flowers! But if there was a weird declaration of love or something that came with it, it would be SO awkward.

  11. If it came with an explanation or they were being handed out to everyone I would think it was nice. If I was silently handed flowers and that was the entire encounter I would be pretty confused.

  12. This happened to me once. At Home Depot 🤣 it was odd but sweet. Didn’t feel creeped out at all. Especially because the guy didn’t pursue anything. It seemed more like a compliment

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