What’s it like being the breadwinner in a relationship?

  1. If the man is insecure and narrow minded, it’s unbelievably annoying. If he’s secure and comfortable with himself, it’s great.

    My ex was insecure about it. He worked in a warehouse and I’m a doctor. I didn’t set the salaries man. My husband and I are about on par, but he’s a contractor so he gets random bonuses, hazard pay, contractor fees, and a myriad of other random incentives so he can make way more than me in a year, then make less the following

  2. It’s fine. It’s not something we think or talk about a lot. There’s no need to. We’re equal partners in this thing regardless of who makes what.

  3. Not fun because even though I’m the breadwinner, I don’t make enough to support us both after all this inflation we’re experiencing. It’s a constant stress and we’re very stuck where we are.

    If I could earn more money we’d be okay. We’re trying to figure it out, I have a couple ideas that I am waiting to see if I make one or the other happen.

  4. It’s fine. I make about 50k base salary more than my partner, but we don’t really discuss it much? We split bills in a way that makes sense of the disparity.

    I’ve always made more than him, but this is the first time the pay gap has been this significant.

  5. I like it because my husband is not the best at saving money or budgeting, so I have a little more control on how the money is spent/saved. Sounds controlling, but I know if he had total freedom, we’d have zero savings.

  6. It’s going ok but mostly for three reasons: 1) I actually make enough to keep us comfortable; 2) we have an extremely equitable relationship otherwise (domestic and emotional labor); and 3) our financial goals are aligned and we communicate well and consistently. I do get scared – it’s all on me so if I lose my job we literally have no income. That is terrifying. And I hate feeling like the “money gate keeper”. But this situation means my kid gets a wonderful stay at home dad so we are happy with our choices.

  7. Depends if it is by choice or circumstances. I was due to my ex being unable to hold down a job.
    For me it was extremely stressful and I struggled a lot with my mental health.

    He did not contribute at all with household chores either and that would have definitely been a different circumstance.

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