I’m a female in mid 20s.
For my whole life I’ve been sexually and romantically attracted to men much older than myself, mostly middle age men.
What I’ve come to realize while watching adult content is that I’m very much aroused by females and their bodies, but especially when men are admiring them. I’ve also realized that when I’m looking at people on the street, I notice attractive women and rarely get attracted to men.
A girl kissed me when I was a teen and pretty drunk. She was all over me, but I remember not liking the way her lips tasted (as they were too soft in comparison to men’s lips which I’ve kissed before and enjoyed). I also remember telling her to stop kissing me because I was/am straight, so I didn’t enjoy the experience even though she is exceptionally beautiful.
So far I’ve been sexual with men exclusively and very much enjoyed it.

Am I straight but leaning towards bi, or is this actually normal for straight woman and I’m simply enjoy looking at pretty women and am aroused by women’s bodies because porn is mostly from males perspective and I’ve basically rewired my brain to connect arousal with naked women? Thanks!

  1. Think everyone is much more sexually fluid than they accept in themselves. Try not to dwell. Take it moment by moment. If you want to put some thing in/on your mouth and the other person is into it too?…do it🤷‍♂️

  2. Sounds like you’re mostly straight but you have some level of sexual attraction to women. This doesn’t mean you’re into women romantically, you’d just be open to getting down with them. This is who you’ve always been and you’re just now starting to learn more about yourself.

    I’m mostly straight but I’ve always had some level of sexual attraction to men. I’ve been watching gay porn for as long as I’ve been watching porn, it’s just never been as frequent. I’ve also experimented with butt stuff since I was a teen. That has remained constant for a couple decades, now I’m just more open and accepting of it and watch it a bit more frequently and do butt stuff more often. I’ve never had a desire to be in a romantic relationship with a man. I generally don’t look at men in public the way I do women but sometimes I’ll come across a particularly hot guy.

  3. I don’t think people should have to label themselves if they don’t want to or feel they need to. Just like what you like, don’t put yourself in a box. I myself don’t really go by labels, I just fancy what I fancy and love whoever I feel connected to

  4. I’m a straight 49 female and I like looking at attractive men’s face but not really interested in them being naked. Except my husband I like when he’s naked, I don’t find other men’s bodies unattractive I just don’t get all hot and bothered by them I much prefer their faces, eyes and attitude. I do how ever get turned on by women’s naked bodies but have no interest in having sex with them. So to me you seem straight, it’s about who you want to be sexual with I guess.

  5. >I’m very much aroused by females and their bodies, but especially when men are admiring them.

    It’s said that men think about fucking the women they see, and women think about being the women they see getting fucked. I’m not sure that’s a hard and fast rule, but this quote seems like a clue that it might apply to you.

  6. Hi love.
    You don’t have to define your sexuality if YOU don’t need a definition. I would say you’re a straight leaning bi woman. I am a gay leaning bi woman. I am happily married to a man and we have two beautiful children, but aside from my husband I find mean repugnant most of the time. Women, however I am incredibly attracted to. When I spend quality time on my own, I tend to chose porn that features a single woman masturbating or lesbian porn, although I have occasionally watched straight porn and enjoyed that as well. If you aren’t ready to say you’re (insert sexuality here); you can just say you have a healthy appreciation for the female form and leave it at that. That being said, I thought I was straight until I had a female partner and I have told my husband if we don’t work out for any reason I’m going to exclusively date women. The sex was mind blowing. I didn’t even know my body could do that lol. I hope you enjoy exploring your preferences and maybe give a girl a shot. You might find yourself a little more crooked than straight, and that’s perfectly ok!

  7. It’s normal. When you think someone is hot and sexy. They’re hot and sexy. When tou fantasize about them. Just enjoy.

  8. I think this is kinda normal for straight women. Most women don’t find men… pretty. I’m also not easily attracted to men, where has to be more there for that develop

  9. Ehh.. most women watch lesbian porn because it’s women focused. I wouldn’t think straight/gay/bi by what porn you watch. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s quite the spectrum. I wouldn’t focus on the label. Like what you like.

  10. I’m a male. Not a clue about female sexuality.
    My second partner would get talking about other females when we were going at it, and it always struck me strange. She was exclusively straight, but when she got going she’d be talking about how other women looked like, slutty/covered up they were dressed, what they’d be doing at nights etc.

    I’m not sure how relatable that is, but she told me once that she looked at females from a guy’s perspective and how attractive they were from a male pov.

  11. I’ve talked to my counselor about this (I’m with a man but have low libido)

    I told her that my man easily gets turned on by touch or just looking at me. He can walk by me and squeeze my butt or I can just lay my head over on him and he gets turned on. I told her I don’t think I am like that. Yes, he can lay on me or rub on my legs I just feel all warm and cozy, not horny or turned on (sometimes I do, just not everyyyy time)

    She also said men are more visually turned on by things. They can see someone take their shirt off and say “oh wow I wanna bang them” whereas us women can see it and not have sexual thoughts. We can just admire they’re handsome or whatever. That’s just what she told me not long ago. I’m with you though, sometimes I’m confused about mine!! (Not that I’ve ever liked girls, just that I sometimes feel like I don’t like some things with men that I’m supposed to, if that makes sense)

  12. I think of sexuality as a continuum not black and white. Like say a numbered scale with 0 being completely heterosexual, 5 being totally equal bisexual 50-50, and 10 being completely homosexual. I feel like few people are a 0 or a 10 and most of us are somewhere in between. I don’t label myself.

  13. Truly, nobody can answer this question. People’s sexuality can be fluid, and it can also be ever-evolving. Always good to be self-aware and asking questions, but nobody can give you an answer to this but you.

    Also – with the different ways people
    label and categorize stuff, it starts to get *really* confusing. Like some people are herero-romantic, but bisexual (that’s pretty basic, but trust me, it’s easy to get confused). It can honestly take a lifetime to actually figure it all out…..

    Just be honest with yourself and your partners, and open to possibilities. It doesn’t really matter how or why you get somewhere (porn rewiring your brain, born that way, etc) – as long as you just accept and embrace yourself.

  14. I was told I “must” be bi or gay as a guy for the longest time. Like you, I can certainly appreciate a handsome or athletic man, but at least for me, a lot of soul searching and finding my own voice, revealed to me that I was in fact, straight.

    But it took me almost 40 years to figure that out for myself! And I tried things and was even in a relationship briefly with same sex, transgender, gender fluid partners and more. In the end, I circled back to realizing I was into women, but just quite open minded, and like you, I’m not attracted to the “conventional” type of female beauty strongest, as you find older, or other sub-types of men attractive (I like women with striking, powerful features, sometimes traditionally considered “masculine”, but for me it is VERY much my type).

    You have to answer that question for yourself, and it usually just takes time and living a little! Give yourself grace, and try new things as you feel comfortable, but whatever you do, do it true to YOU.

    Good luck, my friend!

  15. You’ve asked questions that outsiders can only guess at. You need to think about this yourself, and it may take you a while

  16. I think it’s just a phase. I’m straight male and I notice when guys are good looking or not. And I think it’s normal to be attracted to persons of the same sex whom we find good looking, similar to ourselves, similar interests, or etc etc

  17. thats what this time of your life is for. Figure out who you are. You don’t need to be pigeon holed into sexual catagory. Im 56 i had adventures with guys my age in my teens. But were treated differently then. Not that’s much better now. You never wanted any to find out. I found r/frot never knew that was a thing. i find guys cumming arousing but much rather eat a pussy than suck a cock. But if i could do both id up for it. Relax you have years to find out who you are. Dont get hung up on a label. Its you body do what feel amazing at that time. If you dont like it dont do it again. Learn from your life experiences.

  18. If you’d date and have a relationship with a woman the same you would with a man.

    Congratulations you’re bi

  19. > What I’ve come to realize while watching adult content is that I’m very much aroused by females and their bodies, but especially when men are admiring them.

    It could be just the dynamic. Like I’m a guy and I’m mostly into women. But I saw this one video of a couple where the woman was curled up on the sofa, jerking off the dude’s gigantic rock hard cock and I found the contrast and dynamic between the soft curviness of her body compared to the hardness of his to be pretty hot. I think I might have the withered seeds of a gay inclination in me somewhere but just seeing a male body just by itself is a massive turn off. I think the only time I’m really bisexual is with pretty boys because the feminine energy is able to draw out the vestigial attraction to masculinity.

  20. No matter what sex you were born as, or identity with, sexual attraction to a given sex is not a yes or no issue, but a continuum from 0 to 100. Everyone has different degrees of attraction to different people. That’s being human.

  21. I’ve said this before (not on reddit) but it seems like the majority of women I’ve known have been at least a little bi-curious. Even some of the women who have sworn to me that they are 100% straight and not attracted to other women at all have actually had just a tiny touch of bi-curiousity. There was this one hilarious afternoon that I was hanging out with one of these supposed “100% straight woman” and she spent like a full 20 minutes very clearly, very obviously and very vocally checking out another girl at the mall! Like, not just saying “ooh shes pretty” no, I’m talking checking out her ass, going on and on about how sexy she thought she was, admiring her body, telling me she thought her legs, ass, boobs and smile were “really hot” and wanting to play with her breasts and feel how tight and toned her ass is Lol!! She didn’t even notice that I was giving her a funny look at first, she just kept going on and on about it, she was just totally mesmerized by this woman (who admittedly was pretty attractive). Needless to say after she broke out of this lesbionic transe she seemed to be in she went back to insisting she was straight and not at all attracted to women (something a good friend of hers later confirmed was absolute bs because she’d hit on her too if they were drunk enough).

    THAT girl is in-the-closet bi for sure! But I think it’s kind of normal for women to feel at least a little attracted to other women. They are typically the prettier sex and everyone likes pretty things!

  22. Some people find the lesbian masterdoc to be illuminating. I am bisexual myself and only had small inklings of it prior to my mid-thirties. Comphet is real, but I hear being straight is a real thing too. If you don’t ever desire to be sexual with women, despite being comfortable with the possibility of being some kind version of queer, then it’s probably safe to consider yourself straight until you have more evidence to the contrary. Is some version of asexuality a possibility at all?

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