Some context first:Me and my Boyfriend have known each other for about ten years, but we’ve only been dating for one. he has genuinely been my best friend. He’s never been a loud person. He’s disabled and somewhat insecure about some things. But he’s always been a social person. he’ll have a lively conversation with anybody and I’ve seen him become the center of fun on a few occasions. He’s always been a thoughtful and patent person. In the last six months, however, he seems to have become a separate person. He’s become extremely quiet and doesn’t seem to enjoy anything. He still goes to work and the gym, he’ll still go out with his buddies or do something with me if I express an interest in it. But he doesn’t WANT to do anything. I’ll suggest doing something that I know would normally result in visibly contained excitement and he’ll just passively agree to go along with whatever I suggest. He doesn’t laugh any more than a quick chuckle and all his smiles are the forced “customer service smile ” I’ve seen him use. Even with his buddies around he just seems to float around without engaging with anybody. He doesn’t get loud or excited over anything. And he’s stopped calling me by the pet name he’s always used. He’s not affectionate anymore, he used to bombard me with hugs and kisses or cuddles even before we dated. Now he barely shows any affection without me initiating. I’ve tried talking to him but he just says he’s fine or just tired. His disability has always made him get worn out sooner than everyone else but it’s never caused anything like this. Here’s something that really bothered me the other night:

He was coming home from work or the gym. I was standing at the kitchen sink (the front door is in the kitchen) he came in and asked how my day was before giving me a light kiss on the back of my neck and heading to our bedroom where he spent the rest of the night reading a book. I was wearing one of his favorite outfits and he didn’t even seem to notice.

.Does anybody know something I can say or do to help him? or at least figure out what’s going on? I feel like I’m losing my best friend and I don’t know what to do.

TLDR: My boyfriend isn’t interested in anything anymore and it’s making me miserable

1 comment
  1. >I feel like I’m losing my best friend and I don’t know what to do.
    take this leap of faith and ask him exactly this. whatever he choose to answer is the answer you’ll have to take up no matter what you wish it wouldn’t be. honesty is the best policy

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