After you die and you open your eyes, what do you think you would see?

  1. The same thing I saw in 1800 before I was around. What did you see before you were born?

  2. *Hey you! You’re finally awake. So, you tried to pass the border, huh?*

    Me staring at the guy saying this and immediately crying because I’ve been isekai’d into Skyrim.

  3. I don’t know man, there’s a difference between what I want to see and what I’ll likely realistically see.

  4. Nothing. I would be in the abyss of oblivion with no sense of self, no awareness – just nothingness.

    You know, like before I was born.

  5. Imagine, after the final beat of your heart, opening your eyes and finding yourself in a place of profound stillness. A realm of endless, serene darkness that wraps around you not as a shroud, but as the most comforting blanket. It’s an ocean of calm, untouched by life’s stormy waves or harsh winds, an infinite space where all is quiet, all is peaceful.

    You’re no longer tied down by the weight of human worries or pain. Instead, you feel a tranquility that’s vast, deep, and utterly beautiful. It’s as if you’ve become part of the night sky itself, no longer a single star battling the dark but a part of the cosmic dance, secure in its grand, silent ballet.

    In this place, time has no meaning. You’re beyond its reach, freed from its relentless march. It’s a state of existence that isn’t about doing or becoming, but simply being. The peace you experience isn’t an absence of conflict, but the presence of an all-encompassing tranquility that you couldn’t fully conceive while bound by your mortal coil.

    Here, in this vast expanse of quiet darkness, you find a sense of comfort, a sense of home. It’s the peaceful resolution to a symphony of life, a grand ending to an epic tale. The sheer majesty of it, the tranquil beauty, is a solace that, despite its unfamiliarity, feels like the peace we’ve been yearning for all along.

  6. I strongly think that all consciousness is somehow all the same, and this life, my current life, is something that someone is seeing after they died. When their eyes closed, my eyes opened.

    This concept breaks away from individuals. I do not think there are souls or such that have a continuous cycle of different lifes.

  7. What do you see you of your elbow right now?
    The same thing as when you’re dead.


  8. Whole new world. We are spiritual beings and when we die, we immediately step out of our bodies. Looking forward to running without growing weary. Upward and onward!

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