I used to be close with a friend. We were close to an extend where we talked about our personal life before. When she found out that i have a crush on her, our friendship went downhill. We are still friends but she distances herself from me.

Recently she was selected to be a working committee for an event that was held in our school. The thing is my close friend (he isn’t close to her) was asked to help her but not me. Out of curiosity, my friend ask her why I wasn’t asked to help, she along with her besties start to talk shit about me, which is my messy/scruffy behaviour. (Ok I’m aware of that)

But what pisses me off is
1. She and her friend talk shit behind me
2. I was not asked because of my own bad habits? (I mean if you have other reason I’m find with that but WHAT?)

So I’m thinking whether should i cut ties with her?

  1. Yes cut ties because she is talking bad about you. Bad talking about you = bad friend

  2. You got scissors? Or a knife? Cause cut it off baby, cut that woman off. She ain’t worth yo time! No! In fact, where is she at? I cut her off for you! Let me at her! Hold me back! Hold me back!

  3. Being friendzoned sucks, especially by immature girls who use you as a stick to fuel their ego.

    If it was me I would try to get with one of her besties. That should teach her a lesson.

  4. UPDATE : today I was alone and she and her bestie approached me and wanted to ask me something (gossip), to make it less awkward, I talked to them but gave them the cold shoulder.

    Thinking back, I wondered how could i handled the situation better? Confront them? Ignore them? Walk away?

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