I guess this would more apply to my single bro’s out there-

How comfortable are you at doing it and how have most of them been received?

I enjoy giving genuine compliments to people.

Last night I was in the hospital emergency room and saw this girl with the best hair I’ve ever seen. She was beautiful through and through.
Now the hospital emergency room is not the best place to compliment someone but I thought about it atleast 8 times in my head.

When I’m in a comfortable environment I feel a lot more confident.
Thoughts ?

  1. Online, I do it on its respective subreddits. In real life, I do not. Although, I have been thinking about it recently. Like they probably won’t mind if I dropped a thoughtful compliment and left, right? I don’t know haha

  2. Especially if I’m not trying to flirt, I generally shy away from complimenting strangers’ physical appearance.

  3. I’m not hesitant about compliments, but I tend to restrict them to something other than their physical appearance. “I love your Ninja Turtles T-shirt!” is less likely to come off as a flirt than “You have the prettiest hair I’ve ever seen!” I also take into consideration if the girl looks like she wants to talk to strangers. Like you said, the hospital emergency room is not generally the best place to have small talk with a stranger.

  4. I give compliments but never on appearance. Feels corny as hell. I will compliment on random shit tho. It sparks a conversation and doesn’t make it weird like “gee you smell nice” will lmao

  5. Use Tact, dont be a creep, read “the room”, and decide from there.

  6. I’d really love to, my intent would be to make their day, or at least give them a moment of happiness. But the fact that it is very likely to be seen as making a pass or perceived as creepy is not worth it.

  7. I won’t do this…. “Your body looks great!”

    I will do this. “Love your shoes!”

    If I know the girl, I’ll go further with things like “Your new haircut looks great on you!”

    I’m married. My wife doesn’t care.

  8. My worst nightmare is making someone feel uncomfortable so I keep to myself unless spoken to directly in public. Maybe I’m missing out but I’d rather that, then make someone feel uneasy

  9. I don’t. I’m fat and I know it’s gonna be taken as hitting on them and as me being a creep which sucks cause I have nice things to say. Same with if I think your kids are nice or well mannered.

  10. What is your take on complimenting unknown women?

    Don’t it’s not worth the risk or the hassle.

  11. I don’t do it, because there’s nothing to be gained, generally. Those women probably get a lot of attention as it is, and it is unknown how my compliment as a stranger would be taken. Despite it being a nice gesture, it is a largely no-win situation, so I abstain.

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