When do you know it’s time to “give up” on your relationship?

  1. When it’s more one-sided than necessary, or when my needs are not met for too long – my relationship with myself will always come first in the end

  2. When you dread them coming home and get excited at the thought of them being away for a week or so

  3. When you’re constantly trying for the both of you but the other person isn’t. Saddest thing ever because you’re so attached to the person and you don’t wanna leave them, but you realize you have to for the sake of yourself.

  4. When it’s taking too much effort for a poor result or the same problems keep happening even after change is promised. A healthy relationship shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth, that’s forcing it.

  5. When you realise you don’t want any future with them.

    Tried to save 2 year relationship until realised I would never want to get even a dog with that person, let alone a baby. That was my wake up call to get out.

  6. When you’re the only one keeping on making efforts no matter how much you had already communicated about it. Only talking in the case of a relationship not being abusive of course.

  7. I feel like almost no one talks about the non-extreme cases.

    Like when you’re happy, but there’s just something missing, and you don’t want to blame your partner because they’re a good person and it would feel like nagging, but anytime you think too deep the “something” pops into your head.

    Or starting to wonder from time to time “am I really in love or am I just used to this person being beside me” no matter how good and nice everything is, the love just might not be there.

    Or you catch yourself thinking about things you’d do differently if you were single, but you still care for the person and you can’t quite put a finger on why you shouldn’t be partners anymore, but it sometimes just doesn’t feel quite right.

  8. When you’re just as lonely with them as without them. When them coming home makes you more nervous than it does happy.

  9. When you feel alone when you’re in bed together. When you feel alone even when you’re in the same house together. When you feel alone when you go out together. Literally, like his mind is elsewhere, anywhere, but with me in the moment we are in. It’s doomed at that point. And him doing bare minimum to be present just makes it that much worse.

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