I’m 21M

Many times that I have the opportunity to have sex, I get nervous and I can’t make it happen.

All the previous game is fine, but when it’s sex time my peepee doesn’t work. Any advice?

  1. It means you are not a predatory sociopath. It takes a lot of self acceptance and trust to have sex with someone.

    Grow the relationship and practice communicating with your partner to build rapport. The rest will follow.

  2. just relax think of something else or ask girl for help. She wants it too have fun

  3. You’re still young, that happens. Practice makes perfect as they say.

  4. Psychological. You’re thinking too much about being adequate or pleasing her or “doing it right”. Once you ignore shit like this and focus on enjoying it, it’ll work, and it’ll be great.

  5. Don’t focus on getting it right. Focus on doing what feels good. For her and you. Then you will get there.

  6. Don’t overthink it and stop worrying. When I was younger I always tried to find the right balance of duration. Like obviously not too quick but at the same time let’s not be here for hours. At the same time I wanted to make sure she was enjoying it and then everything else. Before you know it the moment has been ruined. I feel like as guys we put a lot of pressure on ourselves, when in reality it’s not that big of a deal.

  7. Talk to a therapist instead of people online.
    Get real answers to why *you* exerperience this and follow their advice.
    You have a medical issue, talk to a medical professional.

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