What are your thoughts on period sex?

I (25F) am all for it. My partner (25M) is not. He has always had the mindset that period sex is so gross and I can’t help but feel ashamed? I know I shouldn’t feel this way for something that is natural but I feel like such a let down. Has anyone ever had a partner like this? How did you get through it?

  1. Yea, it will dry-up very quick and can get infection. But above all it is fun and I never said NO when it come to sex.

  2. are u guys a new couple? if it’s been years then yeah he’s probably just not into it and it’s just something you’ll have to accept. and umm it kinda varies for every woman/couple but if your flow is also really heavy i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not into it. if mine was i probably wouldn’t want it either. my bf thought period sex was gross till he did it with me

  3. Not very into it, but penetration is also generally not high on my list of priorities. Kinda biased though, because when I was with my ex, I was always glad to be on my period, because that meant I wouldn’t have to do penetration. So period still means “yay, finally some fun times that I don’t have to undress for” for me.

  4. I’ve known several guys who are like this and their isn’t really a reason as to why they find it gross. It’s one of those things that some people like and others don’t but you shouldn’t ever be ashamed of it.

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