My car’s been through it recently, and the mechanic has been amazing on several occasions. I want to get him a nice thank you gift but not sure what – is a cash tip the safest option? If so how much? I would prefer to stay away from alcohol as I’m not sure if he drinks. If it makes a difference, total repairs will be IRO £1500.

  1. In these difficult times I’d just give a cash tip as i’m sure it would be much appreciated, not sure what you can comfortably spare.

  2. Using them again and recommend them at every opportunity. I’ve used the same dude for 15 years now. Every time someone on a local Facebook page asks for mechanic recommendations I always suggest him.

    So yeah, repeat custom and spread the word far and wide will get them so much more money in the long run.

  3. If the mechanic works as part of a team, a big box of biscuits for the tea room would go down nicely.

  4. Handjob usually works, blowjob if the works been done to a high standard.
    If they also refilled your screen wash for free just because, then remember to cradle the balls.

  5. I work in a garage (admin) that mechanic is making far more than you think and doesn’t need cash or extravagant gifts. You’re already going to pay the guy £1500, just get him a Mars bar or something.

  6. If it’s a one man band a cash tip wouldn’t go amiss, if it’s one man of a team a box of biscuits as someone said, the cash tips usually end up in the managers pocket or the receptionist.

    although a mechanical repair costing £1500…? It doesn’t hurt to shop around and get quotes based on the invoice after the work is done, to make sure you’re not getting stung

  7. Money always works, unless you’ve had a conversation that indicated something you know he would appreciate. A box of cakes/Donuts to share at tea break isn’t gonna be refused!

  8. I see your comment about booze but tbh a bottle of champagne or whiskey is almost always the answer.

    Whatever the question.

  9. One time I made my mechanic an apple crumble because it was snowing, he was amazing and I had the time and ingredients. He seemed really really pleased and amused.

    However cash is a good way to go, I just had no money, which he knew!

  10. As someone worked in a garage for 10years before changing trade,
    Just take donuts, biscuits etc as youl find cash tips always end up in the managers pocket and the techs that actually do the jobs never see it most the time

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