For context I’m 28M. I live in SWFL. I’ve been rolling solo since for a whole now. One of the biggest struggle I’ve had since moving here 7 years ago is the amount of older folk in the area vs anyone who’s somewhat close to my age. I’m still just at a lost on where to I should be hanging out to have a better chance at stumbling across those who seem my age. I would say most the people are 45+. And most being around that retirement age. I dont think I’ve had a proper random conversation with anyone under the age of 40 so far this year( work not included).

I am the introverted type who doesnt always know what to do to open up more. I’ve never step foot into a crowded bar or club. As I struggle with loud music/lights/bumping into people and so I do ussally make a point to even try on like a friday or Saturday night( work nights any way) I do get sundays for free time but everywhere I kinda go is chill but always just filled with older folks. You know when I have the free time.

Am I just being dumb about the situations?. I am on the spectrum so I know I can be pretty naive about basic things at times. I just dont even know what people around my age are even doing or are into that’s around my age. Find places where it mainly 20s and 30s flusters me. I only seem to see children,teen,parents and older folks but cant seem to pick out people my age.

Just for context had over 10 active options for people 45+ the only active 20s,30s group is a over an hour drive because it’s for a different area altogether. The closest mall that isnt dead is 45 mins, beaches alere an hour or 2 depending. Semi rural

Hope this post was easy to follow.

1 comment
  1. Same here!

    I am a 24M in a city of 2 million people with 5 military bases and 15 colleges and its a ghost town. I drive all over town to various bookstores, coffee shops, parks, malls, breweries, out door malls, cafes and record stores. All are empty!

    I was downtown about an hour ago and it was only homeless people and people waiting for the bus. Even the homeless people were in groups looking around like “where is everyone?”

    I don’t go to night clubs which is where I assume many people go but is seems like there is not other interest 18 to 30 years olds have.

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