What age would you say is the best age 25 or 35?

  1. Much better at age 35 than 25. Career is in full swing, you have more confidence, some accumulated wealth, and more dispoable income.

  2. 25 of course, you are younge still feel kinda strong and probably can still make choices that wont impact all of your life. But i would prefer staying the age i am thanks.

  3. 35. At 25, I had no idea about life or being an adult. At 35 I had a lot more experience and self confidence. Now At 40, I’m unstoppable.

  4. I was a much better person at 35 than at 25.

    I wish I knew at 25 what I did a decade later lol

  5. Twenty-five, the wife and I were stretched to the limit: kids, jobs that were just okay, both still in college part time, constant money worries, older cars that broke down, and an apartment with do-nothing landlord.

    Thirty-five, things are getting better: older kids easier to live with, college years in the past, careers instead of random jobs, less desperate money worries, newer model used cars, a 50-year-old starter home but it’s yours and you’re building equity.

    I vote for thirty-five.

  6. At 25 I was broke, unconfident, depressed., anxious.

    I’m not 35 yet but I’m doing much better compared to back then.

  7. Almost 30. And i can say for sure 35 is probly better. I was so dumb at 25. And im also way stronger

  8. At 25 I was still ignorant enough to think it was the best. At 35 I had matured enough to realize that “the best” was a ridiculous way to describe an age and that at 25 I, and everyone I knew that was 25, was a jackass.

    I’m 43 now, and I’ve continued to mature and grow as a person from 35, but I think at a slower rate than I did from 25 to 35, and that was at a slightly slower rate than from 15 to 25, which was much slower than from 5 to 15.

    I hope I continue to gain wisdom and perspective into old age, but I’m really beginning to understand all of the sayings and musings about the turbulence of youth.

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