What’s your dynamic like and how happy are both of you?

  1. 5 year’s older. The dynamic is great and we’re both really happy.

    He surprises me a lot with his emotional maturity and together we’ve worked through a lot of past relationship problems. I think the best part is his eagerness to communicate and it makes a hell of a difference in a relationship (if you’ve been in both, you know what I mean). We just vibe in a lot of ways and I’m very proud to call myself his girlfriend.

  2. I’m 5 years older but she kind of acts like the older one, if that makes sense! But we always support and help each other out when needed.

  3. I was in a very short lived relationship with a guy 3 years younger than me and it was pretty fun. He was far less authoritative than the older guys I’d been with and he respected my boundaries so much more. He said that he felt comfortable being emotionally vulnerable with me, and I think that’s true because he told me every single thing he felt, good or bad. It was the same for me. There was no judgement.

  4. I’m (later 40s) almost 11 years older. This relationship is the best I’ve ever been in and he feels the same way. We’re equals in every way and his emotional availability meets my needs. My ex-husband was 8 years older and emotionally absent from our marriage. I never would have pursued this relationship but it just happened – we are neighbors and met and fell in love during Covid summer of 2020. Is it perfect? Heck no. He’s super annoying (and apparently so am I)! It helps that he doesn’t want bio children and loves mine.

  5. I’m four years older than my husband.

    We met at work, about five jobs ago lol. He was my favorite coworker.

    When I got divorced, I moved back to my hometown, and I remembered that he was from there. I looked him up and offered to buy him coffee if he’d show me around. He said he’d do me one better and buy me dinner!

  6. I’m 2.5 years older than him. I really didn’t like it when we first started talking because he had quite literally *just* turned 25. In my mind I wanted a guy about my age or a bit older. He was also at the very start of his career whereas I’d been working in my field for 5 years.

    I found him really attractive and to be a nice guy so I kept seeing him. I figured we could have some fun. But he kept doing all the right things and I had to put my bias against his age aside.

    We’ve been together for nearly a year now. Easily been the healthiest relationship either of us have ever been in. We genuinely like each other & love each other. Our dynamic is that we want to be equals & try to lift each other up. We want to be solid partners for each other now & forever.

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