I’m curious about the nicknames men are given by their s/o aside from the common “babe” “love” “honey” type nicknames.

  1. Years ago, a girl called me “baby cakes” and I’ve never forgotten it

  2. I’m a very active person and eat approx 3K calories daily. My wife used to call me her oink-oink (like a pig) because of the amount of food I ate.

  3. Stupid but my first gf called me haribo and it’s stuck with her as we’re still friends

  4. Ex wife and I used to call each other “bear”

    Started from honey, to honey bear and then just Bear.

  5. Not an s/o but I had a friend who liked to tease me a lot so she’d call me “Stud Muffin”.

    Wait shit…. She was flirting with me wasn’t she? FUCK!!!

    Edit: jeez I wasn’t expecting my stupidity to earn me nearly 100 upvotes. Thank you all!!

  6. My college gf called me Pip, like the English kid on South Park. My most recent ex and I would say each other’s names like we had a cold. Hard to describe without giving away our real names though. But imagine things like Kyle become “Gyle” and Paulina becomes “Baudida”

  7. When we started dating, my wife called me her “Kitten”, which I know it may not sound traditionally “manly” but she told me that it was because she thought of me as cute, huggable and because I’m that kind of person that usually feels warm to the touch, so she loves cuddling with me, especially during winter. (Cats have a higher body temperature than humans, so they always feel warm to the touch)

  8. The only one that really stands out from a prior girlfriend as unusual was Kender. For those who don’t know, Kender are a race in a D&D setting of short, pure hearted kleptomaniacs who never intentionally steal, but always somehow wind up with everyone else’s possessions because they seem so interesting, and have very limited concepts of personal property.

    She picked it because I’m short, and I liked to make use of them frequently in the D&D games I ran that she played in. And of course, she thought it was funny. And it was. And also pretty endearing, since it was pretty unique.

  9. Her minion

    I made the joke and have been running with it since, it has stuck 🤣

  10. my husband exclusively calls me Beans. only uses my actual name on birthday cards lmao

  11. I call him baby cow and sometimes sexy baby cow. He drinks a LOT of whole milk and I was high one time and realized the only animal that drinks more milk than him is a baby cow because they drink their mom’s milk when they are babies. We laughed super hard and it stuck.

  12. bébé, like how Moira says baby in Schitt’s Creek. It started out as a joke and it never stopped.

  13. Hubby, Hubberoni, Hubberooski, hubster, hubsteroni, hubsteroodle doodle.. IDK there are a lot now LOL

  14. I called my ex “my heart” after he wanted something different than my love which I tend to use frequently.

    My current partner sometimes calls me his lil frijole (lil bean as I’m latina) and it makes me absolutely melt lol

  15. She called me “dick mountain” in front of the boys one time, that was pretty fucking great.

    Thanks babe.

  16. My wife thinks I’m a sex machine.

    She calls me a fucking tool, but I know what she means.

  17. I always call her “mon cœur” which means “my heart” in french

    Learned that from Frenchie from the boys

  18. I don’t have a girlfriend so I’ll take this question as though what I would like to be called (please just let me have this). I want to be called Big Sugar, like Doug Judy from B99. I found it really funny and sweet, and want it even though I am smol

  19. Not me looking for inspiration in the comments about what I should call my bf

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